
Is this movie available on Blu-ray anywhere in the world?


Still no blu-ray?


The film was shot in Super 16.
Some people say it's not the best starting point for high definition video; others say the decision to go for a transfer is commercial, not technical.


Well a Blu-ray will be released here in the Netherlands on the 29th of september. See

Btw: films with 16mm source material can still benefit from a HD transfer. A 32mm source is obviously better but 16mm can still show improvement in HD. Not just in the sense of sharpness but also in the sense of color and framerate. And La meglio gioventù has a relatively young and good looking source print which should translate nicely to a HD release. I am looking forward this release.


You're right. The image is superb.

Subtitles available from disk menu: French, Dutch.
Audio is Italian, of course, and there is also a French dub.

Two blu-ray disks, 360 min altogether, 9-min interview with director Giordana.
The outer jacket shows the Region 2 logo.
