Suggest similar movies...

Can someone please suggest similar movies? I prefer Italian or French because I like the style of their movies. But, any language will work. I am not Italian or French. So, it's going to mean subtitles for me anyway. Specifically, I want films that correlate with the soulful aspect of the film. Thanks.

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Le scaphandre et le papillon

Amélie Poulain

Umberto D


Little Miss Sunshine

I think they are quite similar in style. As for the message, they are quite different, but all have a soulful aspect ;).


I saw Amelie, Sideways and Little miss sunshine. You are right, they are similar. Thanks for the suggestions. Will check out Le scaphandre et le papillon and Umberto D.

These pretzels are making me THIRSTY...


Cinema Paradiso. You will definitely like it.


That is a great suggestion. Will check it out. Thanks.

These pretzels are making me THIRSTY...


1) Y Tu Mama Tambien

2) Tokyo Sonata


I saw Y Tu Mama Tambien. Such a great movie. I am looking forward to Tokyo Sonata. Thanks.

These pretzels are making me THIRSTY...


It's Taiwanese but Yi Yi might suit you.
