1. I guess you would have to say that Hitler was indeed very insane, but he was also very smart. You ask the same question as Ron Jones was once asked, he was the inspiration for the film "The Wave", he was a history teacher in the US in the late 60's. His students asked him how it was possible that Hitler had such an appeal, that he rose so quickly to fame. I strongly advise you to watch this film, very much an eye-opener (and obligatory study material over at our schools (in Holland)).
Plus, Germany was still on its ass, still suffering from the economic blows of WWI. The people saught for someone to take their hands and lead them to better times. Hitler offered that hand, at the right time but with all the wrong intentions.
2. The world was at War. It wasn't just a question of pulling the plug, the entire world was in a political crisis. Hitler didn't just pop up and opened his mass destruction camps, he worked gradually, first, forcing all Jews into getto's, then into work camps, and later, much later the horrible concentration camps. On top of that, nobody exactly knew what was going on in these camps, the Jews had heard rumours of course, and they knew that going there wasn't a good thing. When taken to Auschwitz, the people weren't told that they were going to be gassed, they were told that they would have to take a shower. Many people were afraid and also unaware. Many Germans never even knew about concentration camps, about the killings. Neither did the Americans and the British that came to free Europe.
I don't really understand your point about they money for the concentration camps, the camps were build on Hitlers orders, he was at that point, the highest boss and why would anybody disagree with him? Disagreeing, would mean your death.
War and politics is complicated and difficult, if you want to know more about WWII, ask your history teacher or get some literature on this topic. Try wikipedia, there is a lot of info about it there.
As a Final Touch, God Created the Dutch