7.1 ??? HA HA HA.... AWFUL!
How the hell does this goddamn joke of a film get a 7.1 rating??
I cringed throughout. Terrible, trite, distorted, riddled with outright lies and half truths. Bad acting, bad writing, and utterly wrong.
The famous Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw was originally to be a consultant for this film. However, he found it to be so historically inaccurate and ridiculous that he refused, and then demanded they stop using his name as a source (it embarrassed him to think people would think he was involved).
For example:
One scene shows Hitler beating his dog. There is not one source for this. Hitler loved animals above people. He brought in the strictest animal welfare laws in Europe, banned vivisection and animal experimentation. He was also a vegetarian.
The film turns his gaining of the Iron Cross into a farce, involving bribery. Utter bollocks. He was awarded it for repeated acts of bravery over a long period of time.
There are no historical documents showing that Hitler ever had a sexual relationship with his niece. Not one.
Hitler is portrayed as a rabid simpleton in this garbage flick.
If he was even half as ignorant, demented and thick as he is in this awful film as in real life you would not even know he had ever existed. Never mind become the leader of Germany.
Honestly, this film was utter, utter balls.
Go watch Downfall and give this a very wide berth.