Dark Contact Lenses

Was Robert Carlyle wearing dark contact lenses? Hitler's eyes were unusually black in this movie. It looked like demon eyes. If he did... it explain really weird feeling watching this movie. His eyes so dark, like shark eyes. Not all of them, just the retina seems blacker.


Hitler had blue eyes.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&feature=related&v=XwNydRob4 pI


I don't think Carlyle is wearing any contact lenses at all because in reality Hitler had light blue eyes (people called them "piercing"). Why didn't the filmmakers have Carlyle wear light blue contacts? This is just one of the many historical facts the filmmakers blatantly screwed up.


Actually, Robert Carlyle has brown eyes, and it looked to me like he was wearing blue contacts so he would look more like Hitler. I think his eyes probably looked strange because you could see the brown through the blue.

"Dulce periculum; Danger is sweet." -Macaulay Clan Motto


I also noticed blue contacts in this film. Having watched Ravenous a few weeks ago, I noticed how dark, beady and just plain scary Carlyle's eyes really are so it was obvious in this role that he had blue contacts in. They didn't look natural at all, but I guess it goes with the man he's portraying since Uncle Dolf had blue eyes.
