The portrayal of von Papen

From what I've read Papen was an opponent of the Weimar Republic, seeking to abolish it in favor a of a more authoritarian government. In fact, Papen is largely to blame for Hitler's rise as he agreed to let the Nazis into government thinking that he could control them and convinced Hindenburg to accept this. The way they, in this movie, have Papen standing up in the Reichstag objecting to the constitution being violated doesn't ring true. He surely had no love for the Nazis, but subverting the constitution was exactly what he wanted, and Hitler's first cabinet spook openly during meeetings about un-democratic measures taken against political enemies. They make Papen out to be too benign in this film, just because he wasn't a Nazi.


I also felt that Kurt von Schleicher came across as a bit wishy-washy in this production. I know he wasn't the focus of the story, but his (inadvertant) role in Hitler's rise to power was crucial, and I got the impression that he was a much stronger and more wily character than depicted here.
