MovieChat Forums > Hitler: The Rise of Evil (2003) Discussion > Song during the Geli field scene

Song during the Geli field scene

Can someone please tell me if the song when Geli is running around in a circle around der fuhrer is on the soundtrack or if its actually wagner? I have a lot of wagner and I still dont recognise it.
It is prettya nd so I would like to own it!
Thank you!
ps : entertaining film, slightly inaccurate, but probably needed to chop itself up to be better for tv. Still a good view, one could learn some things if one hasn't studied the history in depth.


It's Wagner alright. Isolde's Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde, here it's presented in the "Prelude and Liebestod" concert version.


finally- thank you very much!
i skip around a lot in my cds cuz I must admit I only like the orchestral stuff not the singing as much. So I will have to find if I have it.
Thanks again!


You're more that welcome Chris.
