Full of inaccuracies

Take the first 15 minutes:
1. His father didn't die at home. He died in a tavern.
2. He is not on the record saying anything about jews whatsoever until after the war.
3. He didn't just give up in the art academy. He was just judged to not have included enough faces.
4. He never mistreated his dog, Fuchsl. On the contrary.
5. The dog was not killed, someone stole it from him.
6. There is no evidence whatsoever of insubordination during the war.
7. The company couldn't have been redeployed to the "Eastern Front", because the Germans had won the war in the East by the time Hitler was gassed.
8. He actually *did* win the iron cross first class. Without contest.
9. The jewish doctor treating his mother was *not* orthodox.
10. He did not think nor speak ill of Linz.

All with a slant that made him look worse than he actually was. Why? The actual story is compelling enough, no?

Why make stuff up?



Fair enough. But why not do it with integrity? Why take shortcuts that won't stand the test of time?



Some of these things are down to what they call dramatic licence,but number 7 is just wrong,the Germans had not won the war in the east,the Russians had given up and the TREATY OF BREST-LITOVSK meant that the Russians had agreed to give up lots territory,so the Germans had to move into the areas given up by the Russians and protect the border from the nationalist rebellions which were breaking out all over.

I saw this drama again recently and as a history graduate I understand that people don't always get the difference between a drama and a documentary,but there is no such thing as a work of either type that does not have a point of view.

Obviously the thing is anti Hitler it seeks to explain how Hitler became Hitler but it is a populist piece so is not deep.
I have read a huge biography of Hitler and am not sure that it is "full of inaccuracies"
Germany 1900-1933 is a complicated story and the thing bores at points but I think some of the critics here are a bit to pro Hitler.
This thing is not perfect of course but it is a good drama,if it inspires people to study the history then that is good.


Some of these things are down to what they call dramatic licence,but number 7 is just wrong,the Germans had not won the war in the east,the Russians had given up and the TREATY OF BREST-LITOVSK meant that the Russians had agreed to give up lots territory,so the Germans had to move into the areas given up by the Russians and protect the border from the nationalist rebellions which were breaking out all over.

I saw this drama again recently and as a history graduate I understand that people don't always get the difference between a drama and a documentary,but there is no such thing as a work of either type that does not have a point of view.

Obviously the thing is anti Hitler it seeks to explain how Hitler became Hitler but it is a populist piece so is not deep.
I have read a huge biography of Hitler and am not sure that it is "full of inaccuracies"
Germany 1900-1933 is a complicated story and the thing bores at points but I think some of the critics here are a bit to pro Hitler.
This thing is not perfect of course but it is a good drama,if it inspires people to study the history then that is good.


RE: First paragraph:

This is true. The Germans had around 1 million men still stationed in occupied Russia to quell uprisings in what is now the Ukraine, etc.

Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you will conquer death.


Probably what you will find is that they wrote the script to be as acurate as possible, then found it to be rather bland and not all that good, so were a little poetic with the truth.... but they have to do it in a way that Hitler is still viewed as a monster and the movie will not alter peoples opinion on him.

Basically its easy to say "that is why he hated the Jews", but to be honest it is not as clear cut as that, so best to just alter the truth slightly.

This is nothing new.... look at Braveheart, it is so far from the truth that it is unreal, borderline insulting (in school we were told to just completely ignore the movie when doing reports on William Wallace, and the teacher automatically failed anyone who had just sat through Braveheart taking notes)


He didn't just give up in the art academy. He was just judged to not have included enough faces.

I don't think that's true. Many of his paintings do have some human characters and they have faces but as he was a watercolourist painting buildings and landscapes it was only natural these that humans weren't particularly detailed nor painted close up. People at the art academy wouldn't have expected them to be, either.

He didn't get in because of his poor success in the secondary education and his humble background.
