Underneath, even reversing the outcome of the Great War into a continental empire next to Britain & the USA was not Hitler's goal. That was the elimination of the Jews in Europe. We will never be able to fully understand this, as the trauma of the Armistice came BEFORE his transformation into an antisemite. He had many Jewish acquaintances in Vienna upon who purchased his postcards and occasionally provided material support. He didn't blame the Jews for the course of the war, either, but did enthousiastically embrace the Dagger myth when it surfaced.
I think you've got this the wrong way around. He was not politically motivated until the Treaty of Versailles, and it was that Treaty that lead him to make his fateful speech to the [then, I believe] NSD and start it all. Once the camps started he had a committee set up to work out the best methods to make the fullest economic exploitation of the Jewish population that would be possible - it was indeed very thorough, down to tearing out gold teeth and then to producing soap from the fat of corpses (until this was found to be cost ineffective) The Jews may have been more of a means to an end - though I think the War and the Holocaust are so intertwined that neither can be definitively said to be his 'true goal'...
For example - invading Russia. The reason for this was the rich resources available there, but also the strength of the warning it would send to the remaining Allies. He did not need to cleanse the populace - Stalin had already done enough of this by far. What's more, he knowingly jeopardised the entire war, his entire government, the lives of most of his country, on that decision to send in those troops. His goal was the Third Reich, just as he said.
I suspect the problem is that you have too many paperclips up your nose