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Hitler's Great Accomplishments That History Should Learn From

Here are some of Hitler's great accomplishments and innovations that made him one of the greatest leaders of history, described in comments for the book "Hitler: Beyond Evil and Tyranny".

"BaylessKtol says:
from My new order, by Adolf Hitler, edited w/ commentary by Raoul de Roussy de Sales. This comment by de Sales is on p. 133:

"It was always one of Hitler's greatest boasts that of all civilized countries Germany had been the only one to find a cure for this world evil, unemployment. . . . Unemployment was cured, according to him, as soon as the concept that the wealth of a country was not its gold nor its capital, but its powers of production and its labor, was accepted. Germany having no gold and being, in fact, financially bankrupt, the problem had to be solved by unorthodox methods. And there is no disputing the fact that the system evolved by the German economists and financiers under the pressure of necessity did succeed in producing an apparent recovery which baffled the world. In a very short time after Hitler's advent to power, not only was unemployment wiped out, but a shortage of labor began to appear. The problem of capital was also solved by the simple process of a disguised, but nonetheless real, centralization of control in the hands of the government. Employers and industrialists became, in fact, mere managers, operating under the direction of the State."

That last sentence -- that Hitler & the NSDAP government took over management of Germany's financial and economic affairs from "employers and industrialists" -- a great majority of whom were Jewish and also Anglo -- may have been the event that precipitated Louis Brandeis's declaration to Rabbi Stephen Wise, "within a fortnight of der Fuhrer's rise to power" [on Jan. 30, 1933] that "All Jews must leave Germany." [see p. 78, 1984 ed. of Edwin Black's The Transfer Agreement--25th Anniversary Edition: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine ]Brandeis may have interpreted the signals correctly: no longer would Germany be the piggy bank for exploitation by American & Jewish bankers."

This commentator explains what made Hitler great and why the Holocaust was not premeditated:

"Nichidoku says:
Firstly, mind you one point: A world historical figure means someone having rendered huge impact on world history, regardless of one's political nature i.e. being either a good saint or a bad evil. Thus whatever Hitler's conviction, he is indisputably a world historic figure, and a super-sized one. It seems you have pathetically failed to understand the definition of a basic term of common sense. Pity on you.

Secondly, I would like to state my opinion on Hitler. I believe he is one of the greatest statesmen and the most brilliant strategist on throughout the human history, as well as a remarkable artist, a self-educated intellectual and great book reader. He is both intelligent and diligent and lives a simple and plain private life. He has a genuine and irrepressible desire to love and help his fellow German people, reclaim the honor, revive the vitality and restore the power and prestige of his beloved German nation which is nothing wrong as any capable and ambitious national leader, and for such good intentions and lofty aims he has committed himself fully and selflessly, has done a lot of things concretely and has made substantial achievements politically, economically and socially which are truthful and undeniable facts.

Hitler's only material fault is to order the elimination of many Jews in Europe. But there are several clarifying points that needs to be brought into perspective for a fair, in-depth and comprehensive understanding of this seemingly inexcusable matter:

1. the number of 6 million is grossly inflated.
2. Jews as a collective elitist body on the world stage did do lots of bad things to the native societies where they inhabit as evidenced by their ruthless and relentless effort of controlling, monopolizing and manipulating political and economic, and cultural life of many European countries and US, both in that age and at today, with ulterior motives and dirty means which naturally invite legitimate opposition and protest from the native peoples.
3. The Holocaust is not really a premeditated agenda. Hitler, for all his animus toward the Jewish, didn't intend to physically exterminate Jews in the first place. In fact he initially cooperated with Zionist movement to encourage and help Jews in Germany to relocate in their cradle place the Midddle East. Only when the war time situation escalated and deteriorated, Hitler lost his patience and rationality and started to order to wipe out many Jews in that regard as a "final solution"."

Some more interesting revelations:

"VMeister says:
Mr. King - Might I add that FDR was also enamorate with Hitler. Both leaders were amazed (and jealous) at Germany's recovery from the depression under Hitler's stewardship. Both Churchill and FDR's aggressiveness against Germany in later half of 1930's was attributed to a certain degree by bankers, however it was largely due to pressure by jewish interest groups. Nice example of this, as reported by an outsider: google "jerzy potocki jews."
Churchill's connection with jews extend back in his family's history. I suspect, some of Churchill's positions within the British govt might have been promoted by them - including Chancellor of the Exchequer, a post that hardly fits Winston's background. His love of jews and Zionism are best represented by letters to Zionist leader Theodr Herzl during and after war (Churchill did win, post war, Herzl Award). Another aspect that is not usually highlighted is that aristocratic Churchill/FDR resented the success of the "non-establishment" leader of Germany.
On the side, to get an accurate flavor or zeitgeist of the period, read Henry Ford's book "International Jew." This is an excellent and rather unbiased book that is both well written and researched. It is an eye opener - very relevant to today. Google "International Jew Study Hour" to hear a reading/commentary of this book.
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