How much combat is portrayed in this film?
I realize that A Very Long Engagement is a romance set in WWI, but I expect that it is mainly not an explosion filled war movie (which isn't a bad thing, don't get me wrong) but primarily a romance. However, my father is a major WWI collector, and since cinema favors WWII to WWI, there aren't a great number of movies out that have really good WWI war scenes. I'm thinking he might really enjoy this, but only if it has a considerable amount of combat, or at least just battlefield screen time. It might be a wonderful romance, but if it doesn't have a good deal of combat shots (Im not saying the majority of the film, but a fair portion directly involving scenes of WWI), then he probably wouldn't find it to be his taste in movies. Whether or not its more romance or combat, Im sure it's fantastic, but I'm considering whether or not to get it for him because of it being involving the firs World War, and the copy at Hastings is $20 D: I wish I could find it for rent first! Can somebody who has seen it please help me out with answering my question? Thanks in advance :)