MovieChat Forums > The Good Shepherd (2006) Discussion > Are the CIA really as joyless as the men...

Are the CIA really as joyless as the men in this movie?

I mean, Edward Wilson, along with all of his colleagues have seemingly nothing else in their lives besides working. Mr. Palmi said the Italians have the church, blacks have their music, the Irish have their homelands. What do all those have in common? Culture. Something that brings unity and joy.

But what does the CIA have?



You'd have to ask a veteran who's willing to talk to you about that. However, in my own opinion, made by movies. I would say the CIA depicted in this movie was the old-classy ways of running the Agency.
You see cold-blooded people anywhere. Yet, you may not realize because they have this great skill not to show, ever, their true identity. I believe people have the ability to lose their own identity if they live in such "ignorance" of themselves for too long, like it's become their real new.

Anyway, but most probably, the Nowadays CIA is less "civilized" in their manners and of course, sure is more diverse (ethnically, especially they're in war with the middle east). I'd describe CIA today as described on the Bourne trilogy (again with Matt Damon)


Damon's character was loosely based on CIA counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton.

"So she can one day become president and declare war on Germany like back when we were awesome."


I've seen another portrayal of the Matt Damon character in another movie called the Cambridge Spies. The guy was the same way except that he was hot for one guy's wife.


Mr. Palmi said the Italians have the church, blacks have their music, the Irish have their homelands. What do they have? The Answer I believe was they have the U.S.A. and the rest of them are just visitors. I think that summed it up pretty good.


That comment was not about CIA being patriotic but it was about everyone in USA is immigrant but some are more immigrants than others and people who got there first are trying to protect their interests. Ameiricans are not equals some people own more of America than others and organizations like scull and bones are there to protect interests of not every American but some Americans.


they clearly need to start drinking more rum.

Hey, sprechen sie talk?


I had no problem with Matt Damon's character. His rigid persona worked quite well against this backdrop.



damon was great at showing depth to an analytical character.

Key to winning baseball games? Pitching, fundamentals, and three run homers.-Earl Weaver



People with that much blood on their hands, it would be more strange (and disturbing) if they weren't joyless. I'd be joyless too if I did the things they did.

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