Every single psychology class that I have taken (and we’re talking many) has discussed how unreliable eye, memory, and even event witness testimony is. So in that case, with all the anal rape of young children, does not one kid have some blood or semen in their underwear??? I love my kids, but I need to see something in the way of evidence before I believe the leap-frog landed in my backside story and it was just another computer class, and by the way I signed up for the advanced class… There are people that will always think that the accusation is as good as proved just because of the nature of the crime. Thirteen years, the loss of a father, and the destruction of a family is a heavy price to pay if he was not 100% guilty. I personally think there should have been more proof.
No evidence? Try numerous witnesses who where students that were in his house. That's called evidence. Now I see where you are coming from - the children don't count - there testimony isn't evidence. There aren't numerous witnesses who were in my house claiming that. Do you see the difference? It's pretty simple - I guess that's a subjective term. Who cares what the victims testified as well as third part testimony. That's right - they don't count.
The kids were pressured to say what the investigators wanted them to say. That one "victim" who said he was raped said he didn't remember it until hypnosis. And just as it happens, hypnosis is pure bulls hit, it won't recover any memories but it can implant them by asking the patient questions like "were you molested/when did he rape you" etc.
So, as for the numerous witnesses in your house claiming you to be rapist: it can be arranged.
It's clear that Arnold was a pedophile and guilty of possessing child pornography. But there was no proof on Jesse. You seem a bit too okay with sending innocent people to jail if the police just happens to feel so.
I don't feel sending innocent people to jail is ok - that's why it was ok to send these two to jail. You can dismiss all the evidence you want and dismiss all the witnesses you want. Wasn't there a third man who was arrested who implicated them? I'm sure you'll have an excuse for that as well. All the children had implanted memories (BTW that isn't an easy thing to do with one person - let alone a whole group), or the big bad police forced them to lie, or witnesses had an agenda, keep on going - the victims were not victims it was the Friedmans who are the true victims here. I totally understand now - sarcastic if you didn't notice.
The third man. Okay, let's say YOU end up in a kafka-esque situation where you are being charged of a crime that you didn't commit and there is no way to get out of it unless you make a deal with the prosecutor. Would you do it?
And you know, I don't even need to argue about this, do you know why? No, it's not because we are running in the special olympics here. It's because the case has to be BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT. And there is nothing but doubt in this case. When it comes to pedophilia it's all about emotions, no time for rationality. And the way the investigations were conducted I'm left with nothing but a big fat fuc king slice of doubt. The flavor is reasonable, by the way.
And about those links: are you trying to tell me they DON'T have an agenda? *beep* please...
So unless a pedophile leaves his sperm in the child - the child's tesitmony is no good because it's based on emotions. If you're so certain there wasn't reasonble doubt then why didn't he bring it to trial and let the jury see the doubt - because there wouldn't be any and he probably knew that. Your senario about the third man is brilliant. So when ever a third party plea bargins after giving up another party - it can't be true because he had something to gain. Try this for example. Father and son did it - third guy did it as well and testified against the other. Hmm. What's so tough about that. Did you read the letters from the victims, did you look at the evidence that wasn't in the film? So gullible. Take the blinders off. Sometimes a cigar is a cigar. Sometimes a guilty men are actually guilty.
" So unless a pedophile leaves his sperm in the child - the child's tesitmony is no good because it's based on emotions. "
No, not at all. Maybe if a child goes to their parent and says, "I don't want to go back to computer class." Or maybe if when the police come around asking questions the child says, "Yes, some bad things happened." Sure, then it could be reasonable testimony.
But when YEARS go by and when someone is accused of raping children with A ROOM FULL OF WITNESSES and NOBODY says ANYTHING, ever. Not that nobody says anything ever, but that even AFTER the police come around asking questions nobody says anything until after the police come back a SECOND or a THIRD or a FOURTH time.
Well, THEN I'd have to concur that the testimony is unreliable.
I have just listed some sites which cover the pschology of child abuse and some of the myths that many believe. It also covers some info that for some "reason" wasn't covered in the movie, including children telling police on their arrival that they didn't want to go back. Try reading this site which has actual excertps from an interview with Jesse and Geraldo. http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/geraldo.html - since you might not want to take the time to get the side of the victims and only believe the film makers point of view - try Jesse's view. Here are a few pieces of it. Taken from the mentioned website.
Geraldo: "How many victims were there?"
Jesse: " It's very difficult to say. There were certain kids who were actually physically abused. There were certain children who weren't actually physically abused but who were witnesses to what was going on."
Geraldo: "How many kids, Jesse, did you and your father actually physically abuse in your home?"
Jesse: (long sigh, appears to be mentally counting) "I guess 17."
Geraldo: "Seventeen different children."
Jesse: (nods) "Seventeen children."
Geraldo: "What did you do to the children?"
Jesse: "What did I do to the children? I fondled them. I was forced to pose in 100's of photos for my father in all sorts of sexual positions with the kids and the kids likewise with myself. Oral sex going both ways. I was forced to pose with my penis against their anus. I would control the kids. I would keep them in line of the class got too riled up…"
You can believe what you want- the big bad police forced them - they were hypnotized with false memories - whatever - try reality.
The weird thing about this is that the guy who was "raped" kept contradicting his words. The interviewer was asking him if he ever saw anything--"no it only happend in the room or in the bathroom" later on "we all would play leap frog" the interviewer calls him out by saying "i thought you never saw anything?" he pauses and says some *beep* like "well i meant not in a GROUP" either this kid is a liar, or really *beep* up from the rape. i mean, either way it would make sense. And how come nobody mentions how he RAPED HIS YOUNGER BROTHER AS A KID. Now his brother is gay, but claims he remembers nothing of the sort. I only took one year of psychology, but can anyone say repressed memories???
You can surf it if you want - there are numerous links within each to tell the story from other perspectives, which include facts not included in the film - for some reason I'm sure you'll come up with.
This link to a transcribed version of the interrogation of a former computer student that was secretly recorded by the boy's mother demonstrates the type of suggestive interrogation tactics employed by investigators in this case.
This journal article is just one piece of scientific evidence in a body of literature that has established that these types of tactics yield recall errors and false memories.
Yes - every single one of them had false memories - even the third adult who got arrested along with them. And what about the interview with Geraldo? - I guess there would be a lot to gain by not telling the truth and making that all up. hmmm
"Yes - every single one of them had false memories"
No. Some had false memories, some were pushed into saying it and some denied the abuse ever took place. A lot of the kids who testified that they were abused now say that nothing happened and the only reason they said that they were abused is because they were pushed into it by the police and the police used hypnosis to get repressed memories of abuse out of the children even though hypnosis can plant false memories in peoples heads. There is also plenty of other evidence the police pressured the children into saying they were abused: a tape recording of a child who repeatedly denied being molested or witnessing any molestation being pressured by the police to say he was abused, parents of the children saying the police used unethical methods and even a cop involved in the case saying that when interviewing a child you "don't give them much of a choice" and tell them you know they were molested.
There have been plenty of child abuse cases with many children giving statments claiming to have been abused and it has later emerged that they were pressured by the police. Never heard of the McMartins? There was also Bernard Baran, Gerald Amirault and Kelly Michaels. The Friedmans weren't the first or the last.
The "third adult who got arrested" was given the choice between serving 18 years or testifying against Jesse and serving 6 months and being given 5 years probation. No not everybody who cuts a deal with the police is lying but some are and he obviously had a motive for the evidence he gave.
Jesse Friedman says that as soon as he went to prison he concentrated on getting early release but he couldn't say he was innocent because he and his father had plead guilty for reduced sentences and no one would believe him so he tried to say that he was the victim of his father and Geraldo offered him a sympathetic angle so he went on saying that the abuse took place but it wasn't his fault. There have been cases of people saying they are guilty but being proven innocent later like Stephen Downing, Laverne Pavlinac or the case with the 5 teenagers accused of killing the jogger in Central Park.
The cases you mention are people "confessing" before they went to jail. Not after the fact and not on a nation wide show (at least from my knowledge of 2 of the 3 cases). So what does it take - every witness was either hypnotized with false memories (which is hard to do) or pushed into lying and the other accomplice lied and Jesse lied and so on and so on....... When it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and lies like a duck - I guess it's not a duck. Take the blinders off. In the interview he not only admitted being abused but that he took part in the molestation. If he was looking for sympathy why not just stop at the abuse. He got into detail about how and how many were molested. So everyone is lying including Jesse. How about this - everyone was telling the truth - including Jesse when he confessed during the trial and during the interview with Geraldo after the plea.
You've been on a rant here for months - rather obsessively. Setting aside any issues relating to Capturing the Friedmans, I'd personally like to know WHY you are so obsessed with Jesse Friedman and those computer classes. Were you involved with this case? Did you know someone who was involved with this case?
Not involved and not obsessed, I just have an opinion that the film seemed to have an agenda and people who viewed it didn't get all the facts. I was familiar with the case when it came it out. I find it hard to believe that every single victim either was hypnotized into having false memories (which is very hard to do) or was forced or coerced into lying, and the third party who was arrested lied and when the facts came out in the trial and the confession on the Geraldo show after the fact - he was lying as well. I wouldn't call my posts a rant - I'm only replying to previous posts that might not have all the facts. I found the movie interesting but very lacking of all the sides of the story. It's easy to make someone APPEAR innocent when you make a film and only use certain aspects and details. You obviously have a stake in these posts - why the confession on Geraldo - and if you come up with the sympathy idea - try again - it could have been said at trial and there would be no need to confess once again on Geraldo. Why so specific on Geraldo? To make it seem believable? Maybe it seemed more believable because it was the truth. Let's face it - only a few dozen people actually know the details and the victims have told their side in the past and even recently and confessions were made by the others. A great man once said the truth shall set you free - perhaps if all listened to that - we wouldn't be having this discussion. You may disagree with most or all of which is said here - and that is your right and I respect that - but you have to at least understand how and why I disagree with you.
I, for one, do understand why you disagree with me and others who believe Jesse and/or Arnold to be innocent, and I've stopped arguing with you on these boards because I know that neither of us is ever going to change our minds. However, I want to refute two misconceptions that you continue to bolster.
First, why do you assume that everyone who believes in Jesse/Arnold's innocence has simply been duped by a biased movie? I can't speak for other posters, but I have done a great deal of research on this case, and I feel certain that I have read most, if not all, of the evidence and information that is publicly avaiable. You're right that the film does not present all of the facts... it wouldn't be possibe in the span of two hours. But, I think there was as much information supporting Jesse/Arnold's claims of innocence as there was information pointing to their guilt that was omitted from the film. The issues that you have been harping on, namely Jesse's Geraldo interview and Ross Goldstein's testimony implicating Jesse, were both discussed in brief on the DVD bonus features. It's not like the filmmaker was conspiring to keep that information from the public. As much as it may bother you, there are people out there who know as much about this case as you do and are absolutely conviced they were innocent.
Second, why do you continue to imply that people who believe in Jesse/Arnold's innocence are naive, gullible, or just plain stupid? I'm an educated person, and I know a great deal about how the criminal justice system works. It is that knowledge that allows me to believe that all of the alleged victims had false memories or were subjected to police pressure, that Jesse and Arnold pled guilty because they felt they had no other options, that Ross Goldstein implicated Jesse simply to get a very favorable plea agreement, and that Jesse confessed to crimes he didn't commit on national television because he was under duress that I think few of us can imagine. I'm not asking you to agree with me on these points; I'm simply asking you to give me and others who share my opinion the respect that you seem to be asking us to give you.
I don't think I have written or implied that people who believe in their innocence are naive etc. In fact I wrote I respect their opinion. In fact on one of my last posts I specifically wrote what you asked - I respect others opinion. I HAVE written that the movie does not include many facts and details - many of which would not put them in good light to say the least, and people that only watch the movie are only getting one view point and they somehow left out some very damning details to say the least. You can believe that all the children were somehow hypnotized with false memories and/or corced by the police, Goldstien lied, Jesse was lying when he confessed and when he went on the Geraldo show after the fact, etc., you can choose not to believe all the victims - who are not adults - who still claim what happened was true - but I don't. So you ask for respect - but I have given you nothing but respect - I have only posted my opionion and facts about he case that were left out of the movie for some reason. You justify the ommission of the details based on the DVD bonus features. Who made those bonus features?? Oh that's right. You can believe their innocence and I respect that - but I don't. I don't think many if not most of the victims had implanted memories because I know how hard that is to do for one person let alone this large amount. I don't think the rest were coerced by the police. Jesse confessing on the Geraldo show after the fact to gain sympathy??? Sympathy for what - admitting molesting more than a dozen children? I believe the courts already knew about it during the alocution as well as his relationship with his father - so this accomplished what?? You were right about one thing - it looks like we won't agree on this topic. Personally I wish he was innocent because that would mean one less person who would do those things would be around.
Jesse Friedman says that as soon as he was jailed his main focus was finding a way of being paroled early and he knew that no one would believe him at that time if he had said he was innocent but it was very unlikely he would have been let out early having been accused of such horrific crimes so he decided to try and build this public image of himself as a victim of Arnold who had abused, brainwashed and bullied Jesse into helping him abuse these children and because Geraldo offered a sympathetic angle Jesse decided to do an interview with him to try and change the public image of himself.
It is also worth remembering that there was no physical evidence and the charges were based on the testimony of the students which was gotten through very questionable methods as students and parents and that tape of a police interview show. The reason some children were hypnotised is because they had no memories of being molested and as far as I know not all the children who were hypnotised came back saying they were abused (if anybody knows better by all means say so). There were also children who always denied being abused in some cases strenuously denied the abuse. I'm not saying that if some children don't say they are abused then that proves it didn't happen but I'm just pointing out that no one is arguing that the police hypnotised and coerced every child who took the computer classes into accusing Jesse and Arnold.
I also disagree that the film was biased. Yes they left out the Geraldo interview (which I personally think they should have kept in the film) but they didn't include things that it would have benefited the Friedmans such as the tape of the Detectives telling a child that if he didn't confess he was abused by Jesse and Arnold and get help he might grow up to be an abuser or the allegations that the police held pizza parties for children in exchange for testimony. There were also things that the director could have taken out that work against Jesse and Arnold such as Arnolds confession that he abused kids and Peter Panaro saying the Jesse told him "I can admit it" when it came to pleading guilty.
That's one thing that I don't understand. On the "Leadership Council" website, the letter from the victims state that they bear physical scars from the abuse. ("Many of us have physical scars from what was done to us; all of us have psychological scars.") However, the Asst. DA said that there was no physical evidence. Wouldn't the prosecuting team have grabbed that kind of evidence?
I don't know - perhaps the defense wasn't aware at the time. Perhaps they are talking about scars from suicide attempts resulting from the psychological problems from being abused, etc.
However, the suicidal attempts would have needed to be connected to any incidents that would have happened at the Friedman's house. At least one witness portrayed his family as horribly dysfunctional and at least emotionally abusive. That might have been a cause of suicide attempts. Other events could have caused suicide attempts. Additionally, about the person who suffered anal bleeding, it would have had to have been linked to incidents at the computer class. Hemorroids, eg, are very common among the population and do sometimes anal bleeding.
I believe that there was a political agenda on the part of all of the individuals involved in prosecuting the Friedmans. I personally don't look upon the Reagan era very favorably and never voted for him. His appeal was to an older demographic than the one I was in at the time. Additionally, in the film, many of those involved in the police prosecution benefitted from the Friedman case. (According to Andrew Jarecki). They had their own personal agenda. In the 80's, I was involved with civil proceedings, and I have since grown cynical about the impartiality of any type of judicial authority. Even now, with Jesse's appeals, I get the feeling that the judicial system is out to protect one of their own.
This article gives a very interesting perspective on that era. Though I am not a socialist, in the true sense of the world, this article's analysis does make sense about what was happening during the Reagan years. Furthermore, it is true that real wages for middle class workers has stagnated and declined since the Reagan era. http://www.wsws.org/articles/2003/jul2003/frie-j31.shtml
As an aside, Frances Galasso made a horrible impression upon me. Something about her struck me as being very unhealthy. I viewed several of her interviews and determined that it was her inappropriate comments, her body language, voice tone and facial expressions (lots of smirks) when discussing this case that made me feel very repulsed. Particularly after hearing the severity of the threats against the family, she smirked and said something about the community wanting justice. I thought that the justice system was supposed to discourage vigilante actions instead of finding them funny. I wonder what one studied in the field of kinesics would think of that.
Perhaps I didn't understand your post. You wrote the witness said "("Many of us have physical scars from what was done to us; all of us have psychological scars.") However, the Asst. DA said that there was no physical evidence." I was writing it's possible those scars might have happened years after from the abuse. Sometimes these suicide attempts and even the psychological scars, come years if not decades after the actual incident. I wasn't implying these scars were to be used in the court proceedings. I was just saying from your quote the witness might have been refering to scars after the fact years down the road. Either way - that was an interesting site you gave us. It's an interesting topic and I think only a handful of people will ever know exactly what happened there.
Sorry I wasn't clear. Sometimes my writing appears to be stream-of-consciousness because I've just seen the movie and am still digesting it. Also, the way my mind works is to try to tie many different facts together and sometimes they are not totally clear. I try to preview the posts and edit out any ambiguities, but often I don't catch them all.
Now you write that:
I was writing it's possible those scars might have happened years after from the abuse.
When you say "the abuse," which abuse are you referring to? Are you referring to the abuse that was supposed to happen at the Friedman house during the classes?
To diverge, one thing I learned in college was that conspiracies work best between two people. Each time a new person is introduced to the conspiracy, there is more risk that the conspiracy will be exposed. If there were 500 kids that had taken these classes, that represents a huge risk of exposure. With that amount of people, it is hard to imagine that someone would not have exposed the abuse prior to being questioned.
We may not know the absolute truth,. But why wouldn't a parent, teacher, sibling or caregiver have noticed blood on clothing or injuries on the child? What about unexplained absences and medical reports? Back then, as now, social workers and teachers as well as medical providers were mandated reporters of abuse. Wouldn't this type of abuse have caused a pattern of injury linked to the computer classes? Also, as far as being checked for bruises (as stated by the witness who claims abuse), once a trauma occurs to tissue, how do you reverse a bruise? You can put ice on it, but the bruise then comes out and goes through a pattern of healing. The inconsistencies and spectacular nature of the claims does strain credulity.
Around that time, there was also the case of Lisa Steinberg, who died at the hands of Joel Steinberg. Hedda Nussbaum was also involved. It was very sensational and attracted national attention. It caused a scandal within the ranks of the child protective services in New York. Were the child and protective services in Nassau County ever contacted due to excessive bruises and other symptoms of abuse? If there was abuse of 500 kids, it is difficult to imagine that this case would not have gotten far more attention than the Steinberg case.
One more thing. Jesse Friedman says that computer didn't have hard drives at the time. This is not true. The IBM XT came out around 1983. This was designed and priced for the business user. However, for household use, computers with two drives were most frequently used. I have an old computer magazine from around then. If I come across it, I can check it out. Also, unless copied disks were labelled, it would be hard to discern what was on the disk unless the disk contents were checked and labelled correctly. Even back when I was in college, the computer Professor said that every term, games such as "Star Trek" would be placed on a Minivac computer, which was regulated by a data base administator and systems programmers. Even when they removed the programs, they would frequently reappear. There were many BBS users at the time, and they would post information about how to get software and how to break security codes. Ah, the good old days, when computers were primitive and simple, and when one could easily fix they system without having to shell out hundreds of bucks or call tech support!
I was writing that perhaps those scars -after the fact - could have done because of the abuse at the classes. As for the victims - many pedophiles pick and chose who they are going to abuse. Not all the students would be victims and they might not be privy to the abuse. As far as the blood etc., many pedophiles know exactly how to abuse without leaving much or any evidence. They don't always pound the kid the rear the first time leaving blood soaked underwears. They start slowly, etc. Fact is - children do get abused all the time and parents don't know about it. The priest scandal was about I believe hundreds of boys getting abused yet most at the time were not discovered until after the fact. The parents didn't know, didn't see the evidence, etc. If it could happen on that scale - I don't see why it couldn't happen on this scale. The Steinberg case involved very noticeable forms of physical abuse. The defendant there and in this case are only similar in that they abused a child. The pictures of the abuse made good front page news. But back to the Friedmans - many have stated - how can it happen with no evidence of blood stained underwears, semen stains, etc. The fact is children get abused all the time and it isn't always reported right away or at all sometimes. The children themselves aren't always forthcoming because they are threatened with physical abuse, threat of abuse to their parents, threats they will tell their friends, etc. Some of these children will actually go back to the abuser even though they know what will happen - just so there friends and family don't find out about what they were doing. These children will actually help clean up and make sure the parents don’t find out about it because they don’t want to be discovered almost as much as the monster doing it.
Ok, from reading your post, I realize that you think that the Friedmans were guilty as charged.
One article I read quote an Assistant DA as saying that in New York (at least at the time), no physical evidence was required to charge a person with sexually molesting children. The evidence was based upon the testimony of children. It appears that is why the police went after the children to testify. In some states, video testimony is acceptable.
However, in doing some reading on this subject, certain authorities, such as the FBI Behavioral Sciences Unit, have tried to analyze the types of offenders and their crimes. They describes types of offenders. For example, what they call "Day Care Offenders" are:
Day Care Sex Rings involve multiple victims and offenders fear and bizarre or ritualistic activity. Prescriptions of strange games of killing animals or photographing activities of wearing costumers are common(Douglas et al 241)(Gird 168)
There is also a classification called "Collectors."
6) Child/Adolescent pornography involves collectors who collect, maintain and prize child pornography. They are classified as: A) Closet Collectors who keep secret their interest in pornography and deny involvement with children. B) Isolated Collectors choose sexual activity with one child at a time and may be involved with their own children, children of neighbors, nephews etc. They may also seek out children not know to them by traveling. C)Cottage Collectors are pedophiles who sexually exploit children in a group. The intent is to create a relationship with other pedophile collectors and as a method of communication.(Douglas et al 230-231)(Girod 167)
My knowledge of how these types of offenders are classified or if there are multiple classifications, is limited. My curiosity arose from working with sex offenders who are teenagers.
The movie, Capturing the Friedmans, classifies Arnold Friedman as several different types of pedophile. Arnold classifies himself as a pedophile who is tender, seductive and loving and wants the children to enjoy the experience. The prosecution (police, DA, and inappropriately, the judge), describe him as a sadistic type of pedophile who enjoys power, pain and domination. The prosecution labels Jesse as a sadistic abuser. I guess if the Friedmans would have had enough money, they could have hired some expert witnesses to bring some clarity into this case.
I think that one flaw with Capturing the Friedmans is that it tries to be many things. It seems to advocate for the Friedmans. It wants to be a dramatic movie about the destruction of the family. It wants to be an ambiguous movie which asks the audience to judge the case, ignoring the fact that most audience members probably have not studied this topic in much depth. In a sense, that gives the movie broad appeal. On the other hand, it doesn't give enough information for the audience to devise an informed opinion, particularly for those who are interested in learning about this in order to understand sex offenders or potential abuses in the justice system.
I am curious to know whether or not anyone has taken Criminal Justice, Law, or counselling classes in which this movie has been used, and whether or not this movie ever helped clarify these topics for the student of these disciplines.
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I hear from students all the time who mention the film being used as part of the course curriculum. Sometimes it is law-oriented classes, but other times it is film studies, of sociology, or psychology classes. I have not been keeping track, but there has been a wide array of professors across the country who have added the film to their course curriculum.
I have used this movie in three consecutive semesters of my Intro to Criminal Justice course. Since this is an introductory level course, I use the film to demonstrate more general concepts than the ones to which you refer. However, I've also used the film in a Senior Capstone course as a springboard for discussing the potential problems with plea bargaining, the reliability of evidence, the importance of objectivity in criminal investigation, and the challenges of prisoner reentry into the community.
I will now refer to the document section of disk 2 of the dvd.
Since the pertinent point right now is the way the evidence was gathered i.e. the way therapy was conducted, I wonder what you think of the portion of the paper by S. Kaplan and D. Pelcowics which described the type of therapy?
I worked on a crisis line around that time and we underwent intensive training. The type of therapy given to the children was unfamiliar to me. The approach we were taught was as follows. The group approach would mainly be for support of the feelings of the survivors. The particular details were relegated to individuals sessions, as was hypnosis. And with hypnosis, no specific diagrams were given, because that could be traumatizing and the therapy was to be done at the pace of the client. We were told that reexperiencing memories of abuse was traumatizing. To clarify, the training was about therapy for adults who were suffering from PTSD.
I think that giving hypnosis in a group session, while providing a diagram of the room (which looked cramped and seemed to hold nine students at a time) would "contaminate" the hypnotic state, where individuals are more open to suggestions. Additionally, the children were at an age where peer pressure was very high. Having other students give "helpful suggestions" strikes me as different from allowing the child to heal. It seemed as if the sessions were designed to create evidence for the prosecution. I have never experienced a forensic interview, but I recall that kids were given toys or models to use (individually) in order to demonstrate details that a highly trained, unbiased therapist could interpret.
I wonder if the now grown up "victims" (who by the way, were not called that by professionals. That would be more of a legal term. They were called "survivors" back in the 1980's) were more traumatized by the therapy than what actually happened.
Also, what did you think of Galasso's body language on camera? In the film itself, it wasn't stated that she was newly promoted and was looking to create a name for herself.
Additionally, at the showing of the film, she made a comment that the "videos and tapes" were destroyed. Why wouldn't the pornography have been destroyed at the same time?
No evidence? Try numerous witnesses who where students that were in his house. That's called evidence
Who were children who were often called to undergo hypnosis to "recall" events. Who were told by investigators that "We know it happened, you just have to say 'yes it did'".
The victim's testimony doesn't count for much under the circumstances. No material evidence of abuse, no physical evidence of abuse.
And can I add - anal rape will definitely, without a doubt - leave you in agony, bruises and blood - and will definitely make you limp.
The trial was a farce, the accusations were lies. It was a mistrial, and a witchhunt.
I'm not saying he is innocent, I am saying what he was accused of was impossible
~If blowing up Iraq solves terrorism, then bombing New Jersey will solve violent robberies~
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Actually you're wrong on many points. First anal rape does not always leave bruises and blood and you don't always "limp". In fact many pedophiles know how to avoid these pieces of evidence. Second implanting memories is not an easy thing to do with one subject - let alone an entire group. You also forgot to mention (or did on purpose) that there was a third party arrested who implicated the two and that Jesse confessed on the Geraldo show AFTER his trial. There are also many victims - who are now - adults that would disagree with you on your points - they remember what happened. They let it go on because of threats of death, embarrasment, etc. Try reading some of the actual victims feeling on this film as well as many other pieces that were left out. http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/1.html http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/geraldo.html with many links in the site.
Not really - pedophiles have networks and share info on how to do it without being as evident. They know if they leave evidence they will get caught. They therefore in many cases do it as not to leave evidence. They do this both emotionally and physically.
Reaching - how did the priest get away with molesting those boys for decades?? They have to pay millions in lawsuits because of the molestation cases which lasted for years and decades. Why didn't these parents notice anything? Why didn't these children say anything? Why did these children continue to go back to those priests after they molested them? I guess that never happened either.
I know that it's disgusting, which I'm sure most agree with - my point was these things happened and parents didn't notice and children went back to these molesters - many out of fear of embarrassment, physical injury, threats to family, etc. It has happened. Many write that it couldn't have happened in this case - because there was no physical evidence, injury, the children went back to these molesters, the parents didn't notice, etc, but it happens. As far as reasonable doubt - many cases are prosecuted without physical evidence. There were multiple witnesses - victims and even a third adult who was arrested who accounted to their involvement. But to be honest - reasonable doubt doesn't apply to the case because they pled guilty. They had their shot and lost and now are crying foul. Anyone can make a movie and put a spin on it and make the guilty look like they are innocent and the innocent look like their guilty. It's not tough because there is no rebuttal. I read the letter from the victims, the confession Jesse made on national TV, etc. and make my opinion on that.
Sure confession can be coerced - but Jesse confessed on national TV - I doubt the big bad police were behind the stage with bats coercing him. As far as your "dilema" - it’s a known scenario but as you write guilt or innocence is irrelevant - the guilty would do the same the thing. But I guess if you theory is correct - all the victims - I believe more than a dozen - would have to been hypnotized with false thoughts or had changed their minds do to the police interrogation. Some of the victims as adults have written their accounts which implicate the defendant - I believe they also stated they weren't hypnotized before testifying. As well as implanting memories from hypnosis is not as easy as it might seem - and successfully doing to this many victims is a stretch from what I have read about it IMO.
I wrote it was a known dilemma which I actually had to study at college. It is a common scenario. For the most part it usually (as far as my knowledge of it) deals with guilty people. They have a choice of staying together and keeping quiet or one might choose to confess and help himself and hurt the others. But to the other point - these victims as adults write they remember what happened, etc. Now I'm sure it's possible the police asked leading questions and it's possible leading questions can lead to children testifying incorrectly, but these adults are claiming they remember it. Now it is possible that it is implanted or coerced or whatever and that's what they remember - not the actual events - but to be honest - on this scale and reading their accounts - I tend to believe the victims. They have nothing to gain from lying now - they could claim they just don't remember, etc. but they went out of their way to write these rebuttals to this film to clear the air.
I agree that kids can have implanted memories that last into adulthood - but just because it can happen doesn't mean it did happen. If it was one or two children I could see your point - but mass hypnosis or false memories in this many victims - I don't think so. It's not easy implanting memories - even in children. On this scale - lasting into adulthood - sorry but I disagree with you.
Most if not all of the worst miscarriages of justice in history have come about in cases where the only evidence against the accused was the testimony of witnesses, and sometimes the actual confessions and guilty pleas of the accused.
Example: Salem Witch Trials, 1692--or most other witchcraft trials of the past. Example: Trials of political criminals under Lenin/Stalin, Soviet Union Example: Just about any "recovered memory" child-abuse trial you could name.
In Salem, Massachusetts, there was even a term--"spectral evidence"--for the testimony of the accusers about crimes the accused witches committed while they were invisible and only the accusers had the power to see them.
This led to one excellent and extremely thorough book about a legal case in California, in which a father successfully sued therapists for implanting false memories of child abuse (with the usual increasingly incredible scenarios, reminiscent of the naked "leapfrog game" in this movie) in his adult daughter, thereby bringing about his estrangement from his wife and child, his divorce, his loss of his job and career, etc., etc., being entitled: SPECTRAL EVIDENCE. I recommend it to everyone: it really exposes the atmosphere in the world of low-grade psychological therapy that combined with community paranoia and police stupidity to create the wave of "recovered memory" child-abuse show trials of the 1980s.
How do you know how many of the complainant witnesses were hypnotized? Hum? Seems continually odd to me your un-ending single-minded campaign. Why are you so afraid of me?
What makes you think I'm afraid of you? I'm not a little child that can be scared and intimidated. Sorry. Threats don't scare me. Take my word - I'm not afraid of you. I have nothing to be afraid of - As far as my "campaign" - I don't have a campaign - just don't like it when criminals who do horrific things are portrayed as victims. No matter where, not just in this case. When these monsters stop trying to be thought of as victims - I'll stop. So why don't you tell us all what happened during this case? Right here and now - what did father and son do? Nothing? Was it all a completely made up story with no base what-so-ever? Did they all make it up or were hypnotized into having false memories - was the third adult who was arrested lying when he implicated others? Was the confession just a ploy –for what- I don’t’ know? Are the victims who are adults and tell of the case lying now or are they just still hypnotized with false memories? Do tell us right here and now.
You keep harping on the fact that not all witnesses were hypnotized and that implanting false memories through hypnosis is difficult. However, as many of us have stated before, that is not the only way the alleged victims might have come to believe they were abused when in fact they were not. You really should read a study entitled "What Did the Janitor Do? Suggestive Interviewing and the Accuracy of Children's Accounts", published in Law and Human Behavior in 2004. In this study, children witnessed a janitor either clean or play with toys, and they were later interviewed about what they had seen. When the interviewer asked neutral questions, the children consistently gave accurate accounts of the janitor's behavior. However, when the interviewer asked suggestive questions, the children's accounts uniformly corresponded to the interviewers' suggestions, even when the suggestions were inconsistent with what actually happened. Thus, aside from the problematic use of hypnosis among at least some of the alleged victims in the Fridman case, suggestive interview questions alone could have led to false allegations. We know that such tactics were used based on the admission of one of the detectives in the film as well as the police interview of a computer student that was surreptitiously recorded by the boy's mother. The transcribed interview is available here: http://www.freejesse.net/Interrogation.htm
The children are now adults who can tell you what happened - they remember. There was also a third defendant that implicated the others, and he was an adult - but I guess he lied to get a better sentence for doing nothing. He also confessed. Sorry but I don't believe each and every child was either implanted with false memories by either hypnosis or interigation. Sorry but I believe the victims who are now adults and remember what happened.
Again, you should read the study. The children who had been subjected to suggestive interviews continued to give inaccurate accounts of what they had witnessed in subsequent interviews, even when those interviews were conducted in a neutral manner. This study contributes to a growing body of literature documenting that children are extremely suggestible and that such leading techniques can have lasting effects on what individuals think they remember later in life.
I'm fully aware of Ross Goldstein's grand jury testimony and plea agreement. If you don't believe that a person would confess to a crime he/she didn't commit in exchange for a lenient sentence, I strongly suggest you watch an installment of PBS's Frontline entitled "The Plea". You can watch the entire program for free here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/plea/view/
Yes - each and every one of them either was lying, hypnotized with false memories, pressured by interigation techniques, or just decided to confess to a crime they didn't commit. Good point.
Hmm, it seems as though this Hero-Celluloid fellow is guilty of the same crime which he accuses the movie of. You see, I read that you blame the movie for having an agenda, by advocating a view which disagrees with your own. I doubt that is the case, but that is not relevant for now. The facts that were given, namely the children testimonies, are by itself not enough to convict a man.
Then you seem to think that in order for a false memory to exist, hypnosis is needed. I think you misunderstood that, since hypnosis is only a tool. Suggestive questioning, or even pure belief-pressure (like atheïsts suddenly seeing God when it means that they will be accepted in some safe community: Christianity), are enough to change or add memories. The adult testimonies then which you put forward, are completely useless since they're second hand. They only repeat what their children said, and the children only said what those parents wanted, possibly at least.
Furthermore, you say that having all the children being a victim of false memories is just as improbable as all of them being sexually molested. Here as well you manifest some signs of a biased view, since even in the movie itself it is quite clear that a lot of the children had no idea about the abuse, they just heard about it but never actually had seen it happen. That means that in fact only a relatively small amount of the children, especially considering the scale of the abuse, knew about it.
All that leaves me with serious doubt as to the guilt of the two convicts, and I have a hard time imagining someone who wouldn't, considering these thoughts. My own intuition leads me to sympathise with the two convicts, but I'm not sure enough to vouch for them. I would never convict them though.
One more for Hero: everybody uses intuition, but I think you need to be more perceptive of the intuition that you use, against the certainty that you proclaim. People have a hard time taking you seriously like this, at least I do, when I'd rather just have an unbiased discussion about the facts and course of action taken by the system. And frankly, I think that the system had no right to convict Arnold and Jesse.
All I can do is look at the information that I can get. We have a movie (does it have an agenda?) and then I have the words from the victims as adults. I have a hard time taking someone seriously - namely you - who takes the word of a movie - as it appears you are doing. Just because someone writes it down or puts in a movie - does not make it true. It is so easy to make a movie about something and put a biased spin on it. Just leave out numerous facts and only put in what you feel furthers your agenda. Do you totally disregard these victims’ statements as adults? They weren't all hypnotized prior to testimony. Do you just gloss over his TV statements - as he was lying about molesting children? Your statement,"That means that in fact only a relatively small amount of the children, especially considering the scale of the abuse, knew about it" is common. Many abusers only prey on certain children - ones they feel they can manipulate, threaten, etc.
But back to your post - "You see, I read that you blame the movie for having an agenda, by advocating a view which disagrees with your own. I doubt that is the case, but that is not relevant for now” I don't blame the movie for having a view different than mine. I blame the movie for not including major facts about the case that were known. Facts of the case that would tend to lead to the guilt of the convicted. BTW, testimony alone is enough to convict. I'm not sure what country you are from or what law you know, but if numerous victims testify about a subject - that can be enough to convict.
If you didn't already - read http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/myths.html Especially myth #7 - it deals with actual doctor who dealt with the children - now you can just say you don't believe these doctors and fact and believe the director of a movie - but hey - that's your choice.
Clearly you have made your mind up, since you're ignoring most of my points. That's fine, better to not waste time discussing this furthermore. I just want to advise you to be aware of your own possible erroneous logic, like giving weight to opinions of doctors over directors (argumentum ad baculum, ever heard of it?), or selling the dubious statement that this movie was biased as truth, which in my opinion it certanily wasn't, even ignoring what I said about hypnosis and just talking it over with the old ideas. I guess that's why you have so many people speaking up to you, because I, and presumably other people, see some logical misakes you made, and you never show one sign of recognition about other people's criticisms. Doing that is showing signs of progress, not in my direction, but conversationwise. Otherwise you're stuck rambling to yourself, like now. No need to reply btw, won't check here no more.
Isn't it wonderful how you seem to think you're view is logical and the views opposing yours are not? It's simple - If you think the movie included all the facts - take your blinders off. It clearly left out numerous facts and information that would not go with the "flow" of the movie. You see logical mistakes because that is what you want to see. You have blinders on and are blinded by you're own views. I have seen the movie, and I have done research into it. I have read the statements of the victims and have read about the techniques that were used and claimed that were used. I have read independent material and material from the actual participants. But somehow I'm not logical. As for argumentum ad baculum - yeah I have heard of it. Do you even know what it means? Based on your post - I don't think you have a clue. As far as your hypnosis theory – it’s easy just to say it was implanted memories or hypnotized, but if you read the article and the research on the subject – you might see through those blinders. The best part of your post was the last. “No need to reply btw, won't check here no more.” Write and run. It’s an easy out. If you don’t have an intelligent thing to write – you have an excuse. If you feel you want to try to add something – you’ll just write something like – I just have to reply to that one last time – again. Bye by e – and say hello to the other sheep.
Somehow I got drawn back here. Indeed I sounded stupid with the mistaken latin term, I hope you understood that I meant an argument based on authority. The same mistake was made in the last post, by claiming yourself to be one, and in that way justifiying the little information you gave there. No disrespect, but it's all about the logic and truth right? Which makes your assumed expertise quite irrelevant. Contrary to what you believe I do understand your logic, and find it acceptable if you state it as a plausible truth, instead of certainty. Normally I wouldn't care, since everybody is wrong or unconsciously unsure a lot of times, but in a system of justice you can't be that careless. You are. If you were a judge, would you have convicted him on basis of the available evidence? I get the impression you would've. That's why this movie was so interesting to me; because it showed me how much of a role reasonless emotion can fuel a belief, up to the point of pure evil, mistaking it for the angelic! That's really all I wanted to say, so sorry for the ad hominem (right?).
I got the impression that Arnold was definitely a pedophile and guilty of possessing child pornography and probably should have been arrested for that. Jesse was not guilty. But the cops did pressure the kids into saying they were abused and the trial wasn't fair so the entire thing is very complicated.
Yes, a witch-hunt was EXACTLY the term I thought of when I saw this. The authorities and the citizens all got this idea in their heads that these two were paedophiles and the wouldn't stop after them until they were burned at the stake. I've only been in college for three months but what i've basically learned from my courses is that 1. people, even those believing they're telling the truth, have distorted or false views of reality, almost always, 2. reality is only the way people perceive/remember it. It makes the videocamera and extremely necessary device IMO
"Busting the Kiddie Porn Underground" February 23, 1989 -- Geraldo! Excerpts from interview - based on videotape recording of the show, recorded on February 23, 1989. EXCERPT 1
Geraldo: "Why didn't you stop this? You knew what was going on. Why didn't you help those children? Why didn't you stop what was going on?"
Jesse: "After years and years of a very bad situation between my father and myself and the whole family (sigh) . I was too scared. Once . once I realized what was going on and that it was getting worse, the stakes got worse. As more and more bad things happened, there was more and more pressure form my father, and there was more and more fear that grew inside of me that if anyone ever found out -- it would be horrible for everybody. I was scared for myself. I was scared that I'd lose my father . that was the most important thing to me for the most of my life."
Geraldo: "How many victims were there?"
Jesse: " It's very difficult to say. There were certain kids who were actually physically abused. There were certain children who weren't actually physically abused but who were witnesses to what was going on."
Geraldo: "How many kids, Jesse, did you and your father actually physically abuse in your home?"
Jesse: (long sigh, appears to be mentally counting) "I guess 17."
Geraldo: "Seventeen different children."
Jesse: (nods) "Seventeen children."
Geraldo: "The state says there was probably three times that many â€" most ranging in age from what to . to 11?"
Jesse: (nods) Nine to 11 mostly, mostly around 10 and 11.
Geraldo: "What did he do to you?"
Jesse: (looks Geraldo in the eye for first time in interview, voice strengthens) "He did about everything to me. It started when I was about 8 or 9 and he would fondle me. He would read me bedtime stories and he would fondle me in bed. He'd shower with me. He'd play with my penis. And as I hit puberty he became activity involved in having sex with me.
Geraldo: "What did you do to the children?"
Jesse: "What did I do to the children? I fondled them. I was forced to pose in 100's of photos for my father in all sorts of sexual positions with the kids and the kids likewise with myself. Oral sex going both ways. I was forced to pose with my penis against their anus. I would control the kids. I would keep them in line of the class got too riled up…" EXCERPT 2
Geraldo asks Jesse about the child pornography that Arnold Friedman apparently removed from the house prior to the police search.
Geraldo: "What about the photographs . did he sell them?"
Jesse: "I don't think he actually sold them. I just think it was trade . you know . between friends for the most part."
Geraldo: "Like baseball cards?"
Jesse: "Yeah, yeah. A hobby . like collecting stamps or collecting coins . having pictures of naked boys.
Geraldo: "It's so sick Jesse; so perverse."
Jesse: (looks Geraldo straight in the eye) " It's worse than that . But it's not like it just started happening one night. It gradually grew into worse and worse things and once it got started, it was very difficult to stop."
Geraldo: "Why didn't the kids ever tell?"
Jesse: "The same reason I never told."
Geraldo: "Did you threaten them Jesse?"
Jesse: "I told them that if they told anyone what was going on that I knew terrible, terrible things would happen to all of us. I told them I thought my father would hurt them much worse than he had been doing already. I knew my father made vicious threats to the kids about . about burning down their home and things like that; and I re-established that with the kids . that it was perfectly possible, that my father would burn down their homes or hunt down their parents or something like that . if they told what was going on."
Well, isn't it comforting to know that being miserable is still better than being an idiot?
Nothing was "recovered under hypnosis." So called "recovered memories" are little more than guiliable people laying back on a shrinks couch and making up a story that they think the therapist wants to hear. They then take the word of this authority figure that there is this big magical thing called "hypnosis" that they are engaging in blinding them to the obvious that they are just making the whole thing up. In other words there is no such thing as "hypnosis." A 19th century form of quackery people believe exists bcause it makes good television. Another thing the general public is unaware of is that "multiple personality disorder" is a fraud. Yes people claiming they have this are sick in the sense that they'd go around faking different personalities while being completely aware of what they are doing. But this condition is largely the result of a few quacks who diagnose everyone who goes to see them, with conditions as mundane as depression or alcoholism, as suffering from multiple personality disorders. Carl Sagan relates a good story in his book "Candle in the Dark" about the chief of police in a Washington town whose daugter attended such a quack's therepy sessions and ended up making bizzare accusations about satanic rapes, abortions, infant sacrifice, and even stories of her grandmother flying around on a broom that ended up getting the poor guy convicted. The three boys falsly accused of a preposterous satanic ritaul murder in West Memphis Arkansas is another case. The Friedman case is more complex because I'm not sure about what really happened and the whole family gives me really ceepy vibs. But the official story is much too elaborate and bizarre to have happened as the autorities said it did.
The two men in this movie can be guilty and there still could have been hysteria and exaggeration surrounding this case. That was the point of the movie and that is what so many of you seemed to have missed. I don't think kids always tell the truth and I do think that many of these cases have been concocted but this was not one of those cases. Are the number of sex acts correct? No, but if anyone believes that a pedophile who admits to molesting two boys, molesting his brother, risking everything to obtain child porn and investing thousands of dollars to setup a computer lab in his home to teach boys suddenly had the self control not to molest them is not all there.
"Not much of a witch hunt to the kids that were sodomized by these men-"
If witch hunt are allowed to happen then anyone can be a victim of them including those kids and some of those kids now say the abuse never happened and if they were coerced into making false statements that could send a person or people to prison for crimes they didn't commit then that could lead to a lot of guilt later in life.
Did any of the covered up cases of child sexual abuse within the Catholic church happen in group rapes in front of other children as Arnold and Jesse were found guilty of doing and parents could - and did - turn up to collect the children? I'm sure some pedophiles are good at covering up child abuse but in the Friedman case both police and children say it was highly violent. Whether you believe Jesse is innocent or not he obviously did that interview because Geraldo unlike other journalists who offered interviews said he would give a sympathetic angle and paint Jesse as a victim and Jesse repeated his claims that he told the judge that he acted under his fathers influence and was brainwashed by him. It is possible that a guilty man would try to portray himself as a victim but is it impossible that an innocent man would do that?
“So in that case, with all the anal rape of young children, does not one kid have some blood or semen in their underwear???” “The victim's testimony doesn't count for much under the circumstances. No material evidence of abuse, no physical evidence of abuse.”
There was physical injury as a result of the abuse according to this victim’s statement ( http://www.leadershipcouncil.org/1/ctf/1.html ) The movie doesn’t mention it though. Apparently, the movie doesn’t mention quite a few things. “Many of us have physical scars from what was done to us; all of us have psychological scars.” and “Diagnosed in his preteen years, Gregory said he has persistent rectal bleeding from the abuse. Memories aside, the physical scar will never let him forget. 'This is the constant reminder I live with every day,' Gregory said, 'that I was abused.'"
“The kids were pressured to say what the investigators wanted them to say. That one "victim" who said he was raped said he didn't remember it until hypnosis. And just as it happens, hypnosis is pure bulls hit, it won't recover any memories but it can implant them by asking the patient questions like "were you molested/when did he rape you" etc.
Agreed. I feel sorry for Jesse because he was a victim initially also. He was a kid once too. If he had grown up in a different household, things wouldn't have turned out the way they have in his life. But still, if he has abused kids, he shouldn't be permitted to be around them for the rest of his life. And Jarecki is either duped or an opportunist.
"We're not going to Guam are we?--Frank Lapidus (Lost S5 "316")