
i believe that both are guilty. however the allegations are more than exaggerated. the characters of both father and son are highly questionable, you are never entirely convinced they are telling the truth. the one piece missing from the story is the third brother, where were his views. as for the victims, all he have are the unreliable fictions of a man who's accusations are flawed.


At the end of the movie in the "Epilogue" it stated that Seth didn't not want to be interviewed for the movie.


yes, but i guess the point i'm trying to make is, if he had been interviewed, would he have shed more light on his father and brother's innocence/guilt? or maybe the fact he chose not to be interviewed implies that his father and brother are guilty. i feel as though by not participating, something is being concealed.


This is exactly why we have the presumption of innocence in this country. Evidence which is not broad to light is not presumed to be against the accused.
