She is not a pedophile and doesn't deserve to die in prison, but she appeared to be a terrible, selfish mother as well.
She admitted that even before all the crimes, she was jealous of the relationship between the boys and their father.
She fully complains the entire movie about Arnold, and then announces how great she felt to have the house all to herself once everyone was dead, in jail, or alienated. If Arnold was so terrible (and he was), does she not think that it could have messed up her boys so bad it might take years to undue and probably wouldn't happen during a heated period when they were on trial? Instead she snots around the house moping like a teen because no one likes her and everyone still digs the pedophile. Who raised these kids, anyway? Oh right...
Her "what about me" attitude was sickening. One of the yelling contests on audio was her yelling at one of the boys, "he's mine, not yours" about Arnold. And this was after all the CHILD PORN MAGAZINES.
Because of that, her ignorant housewife schtick was tiring as well. It was 1986, not 1966. She had a totally dismissive attitude of the CHILD PORN MAGAZINES even in this movie. "He just liked to meditate on them". Holy cow.
I can't know for sure, but I'd find is shocking if there is no way she hadn't run across those magazines if he'd been doing it his whole life. What housewife from some other era had no idea of what was in the house? Mail from the Netherlands? No prob! Instead she let's him have his work room that he tells her to "keep the cleaning people out of" and let's him run "boys only" classes in the basement, and lets him obviously mess up his own kids.
Thanks Mom! Glad you got a nice cabin and some old sugar daddy. Terrible person.