the mother

what an incredibly bitter woman. perhaps not without justification. but that was biggest thing that struck me in this movie.


I think her sons broke her down. They seemed to really hate her at one point.



Exactly, I just feel bad for her. She didn't come off bitter to me at all. He sons are a-holes.

#51"That's right, one can make all kinds of explosives using simple household items"


I liked the mother the most out of all of them. Her sons were horrible to her, her husband ignored her. I'm glad that she was able to move on and find happiness later in life. I didn't think she was bitter at all. The only part that I didn't like how she came across was in the home footage of her yelling at her sons the night before Jesse went to prison, however that clip was also provided without any context. We have no idea what her sons were saying to her before she started yelling, so it didn't change how I thought about her at all.


yeh i dont know what you're talking about.
She was the most sane one in the family. Don't you realize that the director has so much power in exaggerating things and manipulating the audience's perception?

He chose to show her at the worst times of their home videos: when she was yelling during family arguments. Apparently there were hours of footage- and of all of them, he chose these ones to show a contrast between sides - the sons on their dad's side and her on her own.

I was happy to see that she moved on with her life.


I was irritated by the lead female investigator who sneered that when she told Elaine that her husband was accused of sodomy, Elaine "pretended" to not know what that meant. How many middle class suburban women in the late 80s knew what sodomy meant? Not many, I expect. Elaine was stuck in a passionless marriage to a pedophile, mistreated by her seriously in denial sons and then to make matters worse, abused by the police.


I agree. I really liked the mother. I felt so bad for what she had to live with for so many years--a passionless empty marriage and ungrateful children in abject denial. I think she stayed in it because in those days, with that generation, people just didn't get divorced. It's that generation. My mother is from the same generation and she was married to an abuser for 12 years (my father) and when she divorced him in 1972, the whole neighborhood (who knew he was beating her all that time) gasped in disbelief. She was the first person in the whole neighborhood to get a divorce. She only stayed with him for that long because she thought she had to. When you got married in those days, it was for "better or for worse" literally. The one son (David?) who constantly bashes his mother needs to grow up and face reality already. And if she was yelling, maybe she had good reason to be yelling. She was the only sane person in the family.

"We're not going to Guam are we?--Frank Lapidus (Lost S5 "316")



<I was irritated by the lead female investigator who sneered that when she told Elaine that her husband was accused of sodomy, Elaine "pretended" to not know what that meant. How many middle class suburban women in the late 80s knew what sodomy meant? Not many, I expect. Elaine was stuck in a passionless marriage to a pedophile, mistreated by her seriously in denial sons and then to make matters worse, abused by the police.>

That's how it struck me.

Also, regarding that female investigator -- it may have just been how it was edited, but did you sense any cultural bigotry on her part?

"I can't stand a naked light bulb, any more than..a rude remark or a vulgar action" Blanche DuBois


Yeah, she was bitter. Anyone would be bitter after finding out that their husband of 20 years is a pedophile.


Regardless of the crimes, this family was not a pack of happy campers. It's like what they said in the movie. The boys had a rapport with the dad, same sense of humor, that they didn't have with her. Sometimes that happens in families. If there isn't a lot of discussion about it, there's a lot of bad feelings that can occur over the years.


agreed. i found the mom surprisingly NOT bitter, considering everything she went through. she spoke very matter-of-factly about arnold's pedophilia, with no trace of bitterness or shame.

in her modern-day interviews, she never once said anything bad about her sons - not even that venomous man-child david, who had nothing but hateful things to say about his mom.


agreed. i found the mom surprisingly NOT bitter, considering everything she went through. she spoke very matter-of-factly about arnold's pedophilia, with no trace of bitterness or shame.

in her modern-day interviews, she never once said anything bad about her sons - not even that venomous man-child david, who had nothing but hateful things to say about his mom.
well said. that horrible david guy threw her under the bus every chance he got. she wasn't the one who was molested children, david. to me, she was the only half way sympathetic person in the family.

Have a heart. Please spay and neuter your pets.


I, too, found her very lucid in the way she confronted her treatment by the men of the family and, yes, minimally bitter. She was the only one I felt sympathy for.
I have wondered what made her middle son hate her, but we'll never know. The father seems to have had the larky, playful - some would say infantile - relationship with his sons (which would have made him very popular), while she probably had the sterner, organisational, disciplinary role and felt she had to show them their behavioural boundaries.



What she did is unforgivable. If her husband did it (and based on real EVIDENCE, he didn't. Based on his confession, he did. Me, unlike most cases, I really don't know) he will get what he deserves. But this wench deserves the hatred of her family.


I disagree. When it comes to innocent children being molested (and potentially her own son/s in this instance) why should she 'back her family'? --

This is a one way ticket to a lifetime of misery, sitting in your own feelings of guilt that you condoned something so horrendous. Of course its a rock and a hard place -- but some crimes are unforgiveable (ie raping a child) .. turning against your husband because he is a liar and cheated on you with children is not an unforgiveable crime IMO.


Joe, think on it a bit more. You find out that your own father has raped your 4-year-old son. Are you backing your family on that one?


That's the most moronic and spineless thing I've ever read. If I found out my brother or father was a child rapist, the first thing I'd do was phone the police. I'm not throwing my sense of morals and standards down the drain so someone can continue getting his rocks off to raping little boys simply because their blood related. I think Elaine's only mistake was not turning her back on her family right from the get go. She spent years standing beside her pedophile husband, and all that got her was inner torment and sons that hated her guts and reminded her of that often.


I just felt bad for her. Her sons were douches. Her husband was horrible. She probably had avoidance/denial issues surrounding her husband, but it's weird that her "bitterness" is the biggest thing that struck you about this movie. Actually, it's really strange.

Have a heart. Please spay and neuter your pets.


Did you guys watch another movie? She was a self-obsessed nutcase who seemed at least partially retarded, or at least lacking knowledge on how to operate as a humnan being and how to answer simple and obvious questions. What a MORON she was. Jesus. If she was bitter, it was anger at her own stupid self. This woman didn't need to be in front of a camera, she needs to be in a psych ward, though it seems like she already had a lobotomy.

Shuji Terayama forever.


Her husband and son were convicted of molesting children. The son confessed on Geraldo about what he and her husband did. That might affect someone in a negative way and cause them to be a bit out of it. Don't you think finding out the monstrous things her husband and son were accused of and confessed about would numb a person a bit?

