Arnold was clearly a disturbed person. Amoral at best. But I don't believe for a second he did anything to the children in the computer class.
I did not see one credible piece of evidence that he did. Or hear one credible interview.
If there IS credible evidence pointing to guilt, please post it here. I have a totally open mind. In fact, I'd prefer to think they were guilty, because men spending time in prison for something they didn't do is the scariest thing to me.
Did you see Jessie confess on the Geraldo show years back. You can probably find it on the internet and watch him confess and detail the horrific crimes committed. He went into details when asked about the crimes. There is also the victims(more credible then the one "hidden" victim) and then there was Ross Goldstein. Funny how they were left out of the movie. Sure you didn't hear one credible interview - the directer chooses which victims and what information he wants to put in the film and what he wants to exclude.
I don't know if he did it or not - only he and the witnesses would know for sure - all I can do is examine the evidence that I have access to - not just a film with an agenda.
I hardly want to get into all of this again with you, but I did notice last week that a transcription of apparently the entire broadcast Geraldo interview with Jesse Friedman was included as Exhibit 2 of a paper filed by Kathleen Rice's office, available here:
Wow. that was the first time I read or seen the entire Geraldo interview (I saw a vast majority). That is mind blowing. Extremely damning. The details - including his participation, Ross's role in the crimes, the extent of the crimes - wow - all out of Jesse's mouth. This is a crazy world.
I'm at a loss about the supposed crimes in the computer classes but I did find it odd that only boys attended. Surely that raises some questions about Arnold's motives?
There were some girls in the classes, though apparently very few. That doesn't strike me as unusual -- in the 1970s and 1980s, computers were an overwhelmingly male interest.
That is the problem all ch!ldr@pe victims have ,that is why the majority never ever go to the police.
I understand that the computer class sounds ridicules to all you m0r0ns ,be happy that it doesn't sound realistic TO YOU!
The director is biased so much that he filmed it as a comedy/slap stick ,this !d!0d should be ashamed...
This same director recently filmed a HBO documentary serie ,ready to support a mass murderer who shopped his victims into 20 little pieces OUT OF SELF DEFENCE... that asks for as low IQ m0r0n!c director... the samew guy once again who filmed this piece 0ff $h!te
Have you seen the series in question? I think you've misunderstood his angle on that project, and it's definitely worth watching.
You're right about the abuse though - it's human instinct to want to believe that something so awful didn't happen. It may sound ludicrous, but it's not. The OP said that innocent men being jailed is the scariest thing to him - being sexually abused, especially as a child, is far scarier.
People act as though child abuse is rare - it most definitely is not. According to the NSPCC, 1 in 20 children are sexually abused - that's three kids out of every two school classes. When you look at just girls, the stats are even higher. Other studies state that as many as 25% of children experience some form of sexual abuse. I guarantee that you know many, many people who were abused as children. It's not a rare crime carried out by an evil bogeyman - it's happening every day, to a large number of kids, usually by someone they know, often a family member.
I thought it was rare too, and I'm a victim - then others started to talk to me. Several others in my family were abused, by totally different people. Many of my friends. I know a guy where every girlfriend he's ever had has experienced sexual abuse - which isn't surprising given that 1 in 5 women are abused at some point in their life. Again, this is not rare.
It does seem that a significant amount was left out of the film, and I don't know why that is. All I'm saying is, don't let any interpretation of the situation be coloured by the idea that this rarely happens.
Furthermore, people have this idea that all abusers are extreme paedophiles, as in exclusively attracted to children, but in reality that's not the case. Most child abusers are in normal adult relationships and often show no other signs of being attracted to children. I'm pretty sure that the main factor in my abuse was alcohol - my abuser never showed signs of actually being attracted to children (yet of course a "normal" person would struggle to imagine being so drunk that they abused their own child). This isn't unusual either, I've spoken to many victims of similar situations. If that's the case, and men who aren't extremely attracted to children still abuse them, then I don't believe for a second that a man like Arnold Friedman hasn't abused kids. He can't even stand to watch a father bouncing his child on his knee because of the extremity of his feelings. A man like that cannot and would not resist actually having sexual contact with children, especially after it's normalised by such a large quantity of CP. There are very small groups of paedophiles who join support groups and promise not to act on their feelings or watch CP, but they are a tiny minority. If someone is attracted to children and they have a high sex drive, it's almost inevitable that they will abuse children. Regardless, those featured in CP are not actors - they are legitimate victims of extremely shocking abuse. Those who watch it are not only complicit in that abuse, but watching it makes it far more likely they will go on to abuse children. Add to this his access to children (his own and his students), and I would be utterly stunned if Friedman didn't abuse children throughout his life. Whether that's what the computer classes were about, I don't know.
I don't believe for a second that a man like Arnold Friedman hasn't abused kids. He can't even stand to watch a father bouncing his child on his knee because of the extremity of his feelings. A man like that cannot and would not resist actually having sexual contact with children, especially after it's normalised by such a large quantity of CP. There are very small groups of paedophiles who join support groups and promise not to act on their feelings or watch CP, but they are a tiny minority. If someone is attracted to children and they have a high sex drive, it's almost inevitable that they will abuse children. Regardless, those featured in CP are not actors - they are legitimate victims of extremely shocking abuse. Those who watch it are not only complicit in that abuse, but watching it makes it far more likely they will go on to abuse children. Add to this his access to children (his own and his students), and I would be utterly stunned if Friedman didn't abuse children throughout his life.
I agree completely.
In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer
I've posted a longer response below, but really? You think that's the scariest thing? Try being a child subjected to longterm sexual abuse by your own parent, then let's talk about scary.
I don't believe it's even a vague possibility that Arnold did not abuse children, I've explained why below so I won't go into it again, but men like this do not watch CP and leave it at that. I find his interest in children far scarier, frankly.
He definitely at some point in his life had sex with children and also probably abused his sons. However I don't believe that he will have made them play leapfrog or will have raped them during the class. I can imagine at some point he may have seduced them but he definitely won't have raped them during classes considering the physical effects it would have on the child which would be very noticeable and the fact that at some point a parent probably would have had to pick their child up early and would have walked in and noticed.