Obviously the alleged victim they present in 'Capturing the Friedmans' comes across as extremely suspect and weird.
More recently other former alleged victims have anonymously protested against Jesse Friedman's quest to clear his name. However having read them I can't help but find them rather unbelievable aswell.
In one joint statement signed by two men now in their twenties they talk about Arnold incessantly calling their parent's houses to make sure they were keeping quiet. It even goes so far as to talk about them sleeping with baseball bats for fear of Arnold or Jesse attacking them at home. I just can't help but think this feels wrong. These two men also were two of the boys whom decided to enrol in the advanced class after their first set of lessons. I mean does anyone honestly see Arnold Friedman as such a terrifying tyrant that boys being abused would willingly continue to attend the classes and say NOTHING to their parents?
For all the controversy in this case I have still yet to hear or find one truly compelling statement from a victim to make me totally believe violent rapes happened during these classes.
I mean does anyone honestly see Arnold Friedman as such a terrifying tyrant that boys being abused would willingly continue to attend the classes and say NOTHING to their parents?
The fact is that it happens often this way. These abusers are frequently not intimidating in stature, but are psychologically intimidating. They threaten that if they tell their parents or don't return to class they will be "outed" and/or they will do harm to them and/or do harm to their parents.
It might seem like a simple task to just go to their parents and tell them what happened - but it obviouisly isn't, as we know that children are abused in this way all the time. For example - the priests that abuse children for years and the children didn't say anything to their parent. These monsters (pedophiles) know how to gradually groom these children so they don't show any signs of abuse and they are too intimidated to tell anyone. If I didn't know it happened - I would also be skeptical as well - as it seems like an impossible task - but as we know - they are often successful in these horrific acts which can go on for years undetected.
I'm not sure what you think a pedophile can be. These priests, baseball coaches, teachers, etc - aren't usually physically intimidating. It isn't always about physical intimidation - it usually is more psychological. Just because Arnold was small in stature and soft spoken doesn't mean he isn't capable of this brutality. The fact is - it does happen - and it isn't always relatives or people with exciting jobs. They can be mundane computer teachers.
These pedophiles have well thought out plans of grooming these children. First they get to choose which children they are going to abuse. They pick the vulnerable ones and do their grooming and abuse away from others who aren't vulnerable. They use threats - which to you and me are meaningless - but to a 10 year old or 14 year old - are not meaningless and can paralyze them with fear. They threaten to tell their friends or parents what they did (which we know they won't do but to an impressionable child it's powerful) - they threaten to kill their parents, etc.
These kids probably loved the class - computers were the "thing" back then and these kids wanted to learn. So after getting hooked on the class - Arnold gradually grooms them. This might seem like a impossible task - but it happens - there are references on how to do it, these pedophiles are in touch with one another giving advice, resources, and ways to groom these children without showing signs and in a way that would keep them from telling.
As far as how did so many get abused without telling - to put it simply - Arnold was good at what he did. He picked the vulnerable child, used the right threats, groomed them gradually to not show signs of abuse, etc. How did some priests get away with it for so long with many children without none of them telling? Sure some children did tell - but some priests went on for many years abusing many children. An I don't mean to pick on priests - they were just in the news recently. It could be the ice cream man, the coach, the teacher, the uncle, the neighbor, etc - It does happen - by seemingly mild mannered adults who aren't physically intimidating.
But if the allegations are to be believed then Arnold wasn't picking certain vulnerable children to groom -- he would have had to be grooming entire classes.
I thought that you were familiar with the facts of this case, so I'm surprised that this is news to you. To provide one citation, from a Federal Court of Appeals opinion (http://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-2nd-circuit/1535102.html):
the third indictment described several group molestation exercises, including “Leap Frog,” in which Arnold Friedman and petitioner allegedly sodomized an entire class of naked boys by “leaping” from one to the next.
I am familiar but it isn't something I remember all the facts to - but grooming a group of students isn't out of the question. That class in question could have been a select group of kids he already groomed. How big was that class - were all the kids in every class together or were some classes smaller than the other. Also this is coming from Jesse's lawyer's appeal - so I'm curious where his source is - and what the actual indictment says. For some reason - instead of quoting the indictment he only quotes the words "leaping" and "Leap frog". Not that a lawyer would fudge something like that.
One of the accusers discussed the leap frog game in the movie.
I had a feeling of deja vu about this -- it turns out that we discussed something similar five years ago in another thread: www.imdb.com/title/tt0342172/board/thread/186550961. Back then I asked you for the closest analogous case to the Friedman case (recognizing that the lack of an analogous case does not make the allegations in this one false):
Is the Friedman case the only group molestation case involving abuse over a period of years in which no child told, or are you aware of any others like it? If you are aware of another case like this one, what is it?
You replied that you weren't aware of another case like this one, and I responded with the following in my last post in the thread:
Consider your statement earlier in this thread about "the power of threatening a child," and about how a "pedophile can be 'good' at their abuse by knowing what buttons to press." Since there is no other close case, apparently whatever power and skills other abusers may have, no abuser before or since has manifested the kind of power that Arnold Friedman had, the ability to abuse groups of children, over a long period of time, where all of the children remained silent. Ordinary abuser skills would not be expected to suffice to explain the silence of so many children over such a long period of time, since apparently no one before or since has been able to pull off such a thing.
We agreed to disagree then. I haven't changed my position in the five years since, and I doubt that you've changed yours.
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I said no two cases are going to be the same. I then referrenced the priest molestation cases which children were being abused for years and it wasn't reported for years. It isn't exactly the same - but then again - no two cases will be exactly the same. These cases both involved abuse over many years with multiple children.
But once again - we are that point again - and you are correct - I haven't changed my position on this - at least yet- but let's agree to disagree as this is going nowhere.
I understand the points you are making and am well aware of mass abuse cases. I don't refute that mass abuse of children by seemingly innocuous people could happen.
It is this particular case that just looks and feels so wrong, hence the documentary and massive interest.
1./ Arnold was a school teacher for nearly his whole adult life, yet there wasn't one allegation made against him or any scandal at the schools he taught. So this determined and committed paedophile managed to control himself around hundreds of kids but the computer class he couldn't help himself?
2./ Often in abuse cases there are complaints or rumors made about the perpetrator but these are ultimately dismissed citing that perpetrator's good character reputation etc. What they call the code of silence among Catholic priests (complaints are ignored). In this case there wasn't even the hint of a rumour until police busted Arnold for child pornography.
3./ So now you have a situation where all these kids whom were petrified to say anything to anyone, suddenly become songbirds with the most graphic and gratuitous detail?
The police botched this investigation and it became a runaway train that got out of control very quickly. You don't show child pornography to children and TELL THEM we know something happened and expect a credible witness. I think once the kids had told their stories to police they felt obligated and intimidated to follow it through all the way.
Finally: The victims, and Jesse, spoke of being forced to pose in HUNDREDS of pornographic pictures over the course of the abuse. Yet even though Arnold's pornography stash was found NOT ONE pornographic image of Jesse or any computer student was ever found. That sits oddly with me
1. It would be much easier to groom children on his own terms - in his own house. This could be the exact reason he started the computer classes. Seems like a logical step for a pedophile - bring the students to him - to his home turf.
2. How many times to you hear in the news about a pedophile from neighbors, family, friends, etc. - he was a good guy, I can't imagine he could do something like this, I never suspected him of anything like this. Arnold had to start somewhere - this class could have been the beginning and it built up until he got caught by the police.
3. Yes. When the molester is in police custody - they can feel safe. With reassurance from parents that Arnold can't hurt them anymore - they can open up.
The police definitely could have done a better job - but just because they didn't doesn't mean he didn't do it.
I believe there was a secret hiding spot that the police found when they went back after the first search - so there was plenty of time to destroy any and all photos or evidence. I guess we all have secret closets to hide our stuff (sarcastic) - and even if you did - would it be empty? His spot was - so what was there and why was it empty. I can only speculate but it does explain why no photos were found.
Look - I guess we have different views of Arnold. Just curious - do you think Arnold - an admitted pedophile - didn't abuse boys or it just wasn't in this class. Was this pedophile able to repress his feelings for children over the years?
Why do you think this became a documentary and why it was such an intriguing story. Clearly there are major holes in the police accounts and enough problems for legitimate suspicion about the guilt of the perpetrators for it to be such a compelling story.
I didn't say Arnold couldn't hide behind his strong reputation. What I said was that in mass abuse cases it's absolutely totally standard for you to hear about previous complaints or rumors which were made after the fact. Comments which were ignored, complaints which got discredited. There is NOTHING of the sort in the Friedman case, and one must surmise that if he hadn't got busted for child pornography he would have gotten away forever with the most heinous and violent abuse imaginable.
As for the photos. Arnold had NO IDEA anyone was coming when he first got done for child pornography, they searched the entire house and found multiple illegal magazines but they didn't find ONE PICTURE showing abuse he committed or Jesse committed.
Finally there is a world of difference, in terms of sentence seriousness ability to conceal, between molestation and rape. This is not a molestation case it's a rape case. From any rational perspective the idea that Arnold could be anally raping dozens of boys when at anytime parents could turn up. That he could come home from work, teach piano and then computer classes and just casually get away with hundreds of instances of violent anal sodomy. All the while managing to actually, you know, successfully run a series of computer classes.
If the Friedmans are guilty then they are guilty of some low level molestation that happened very clandestinely.
Why do you think this became a documentary and why it was such an intriguing story.
It became a documentary because the director decided that a story about false molestation would be interesting. If he did the story about how a computer teacher molested students and then was caught and went to jail - that wouldn't be as interesting. Have you seen Jesse's jail house confession to Geraldo Rivera in which he recounts the abuse in detail? Why did the director leave this out? I have heard some explanations and find them to quite BS. Why would a director leave out the jail house confession that details the story he is trying to tell? He could get footage or simply reference what transpired. Why would the director leave out the Ross Goldstein - a third person arrested for these crimes? Is it possible the director had an agenda? Could he do this because his "version" would make a better version than the truth? Just because it was in a documentary does not make it the truth.
What I said was that in mass abuse cases it's absolutely totally standard for you to hear about previous complaints or rumors which were made after the fact. Comments which were ignored, complaints which got discredited. There is NOTHING of the sort in the Friedman case, and one must surmise that if he hadn't got busted for child pornography he would have gotten away forever with the most heinous and violent abuse imaginable.
Just because there were no prior complaints does not mean he couldn't have done it. He had to start somewhere. And one MUST NOT surmise if he didn't get busted for the child porn he wouldn't have gotten away forever. Just because he was a successful predator for some time - does not mean he wouldn't get caught. Criminals make mistakes - pedophiles make mistakes. He could have made mistakes which could have got him caught.
As for the photos. Arnold had NO IDEA anyone was coming when he first got done for child pornography, they searched the entire house and found multiple illegal magazines but they didn't find ONE PICTURE showing abuse he committed or Jesse committed.
As I wrote before. The original search did not find this clandestine closet. After he was arrested they went back - then found it - which was more than enough time for someone (Jesse?) to get rid of the photos. Oh - did the director leave that part out as well?
From any rational perspective the idea that Arnold could be anally raping dozens of boys when at anytime parents could turn up. That he could come home from work, teach piano and then computer classes and just casually get away with hundreds of instances of violent anal sodomy. All the while managing to actually, you know, successfully run a series of computer classes.
Rational perspective? Yes - I think he could have done that and then taught his class. Priests, scout leaders, coaches, etc - have raped young children and then gone about their business.
If the Friedmans are guilty then they are guilty of some low level molestation that happened very clandestinely.
What do you consider a low level molestation?
As for my questions:
do you think Arnold - an admitted pedophile - didn't abuse boys or it just wasn't in this class. Was this pedophile able to repress his feelings for children over the years?
or was he just guilty of this "low level molestation"?
Also what about Howard Friedman's (Jesse's uncle/Arnold's brother) admission to investigators about the guilt of the two based on Arnold's confession to him?
As for my questions: do you think Arnold - an admitted pedophile - didn't abuse boys or it just wasn't in this class. Was this pedophile able to repress his feelings for children over the years?
or was he just guilty of this "low level molestation"?
Also what about Howard Friedman's (Jesse's uncle/Arnold's brother) admission to investigators about the guilt of the two based on Arnold's confession to him?)
You seem to do what everyone convinced of Arnold's guilt does, and that is simply surmise that if he had paedophilic interests, molested his younger brother and committed 'any' form of molestation then so what if he got sentenced for dozens of violent rapes since he's guilty anyway.
I would consider low level molestation light touching or caressing of body parts when a child is clothed, inappropriate hugging etc.
This argument is not about whether or not Arnold Friedman did any wrongdoing in the computer class. I believe it's feasible or even probable that some impropriety took place. However, I think over zealous, potentially anti-Semitic, police raided Friedman's home were appalled and incredulous at the nature of the material they discovered and were on a pseudo crusade to bring down a monster. I think they showed this outrageous material to some of the computer students, and once they learned that 'any' touching had taken place it lit a forest fire in their collective psyches. They WANTED to believe that the horrendous sodomy and depravity they saw in the magazines had been inflicted on the computer students.
If you can find one case of proven mass abuse where violent anal sodomy left NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE whatsoever then show it to me.
You seem to do what everyone convinced of Arnold's guilt does, and that is simply surmise that if he had paedophilic interests, molested his younger brother and committed 'any' form of molestation then so what if he got sentenced for dozens of violent rapes since he's guilty anyway.
No - I basing it on his admission of being a pedophile, Jesse's confession, Howard's admission, Ross Goldstein, the testimony of numerous children in which many were still vocal about the abuse years later as adults, and the reports and findings from the investigations.
If you think that when someone has anal sex there is always evidence, ripping, bleeding, then you need to take some biology classes - these abusers know how to groom the children to minimize and/or eliminate signs/evidence of the abuse. If you do this gradually - there can be little to no signs of abuse.
I did a quick google search in (.66 seconds according to google)
"From being forced to masturbate to having their genitals fondled or being forced to perform or receive oral or anal sex, the sexual abuse carried out on hundreds of children by diocesan priests or church leaders was horrific and consuming. In most cases, the abuse was perpetrated over the course of years."
They did it for years and if the evidence was so evident then how did it go on for so long with so many children.
"Parents, in many cases, were so happy their parish priest had taken an interest in their child that they encouraged their children to spend more time with the priest."
Now obviously this abuse was discovered and priests were punished. The priests also were able to conceal it - hiding behind the religion and being transferred and paying off victims - but Arnold could have been just as conniving as the priests. He could have groomed them from beginning to end.
(No - I basing it on his admission of being a pedophile, Jesse's confession, Howard's admission, Ross Goldstein, the testimony of numerous children in which many were still vocal about the abuse years later as adults, and the reports and findings from the investigations.
If you think that when someone has anal sex there is always evidence, ripping, bleeding, then you need to take some biology classes - these abusers know how to groom the children to minimize and/or eliminate signs/evidence of the abuse. If you do this gradually - there can be little to no signs of abuse.)
1./ His admission of being a paedophile doesn't prove in anyway he violently raped dozens of boys
2./ There are not 'numerous' victims whom are still vocal there were about three who all spoke anonymously through Judge Bockland.
3./ You mention biology classes but then just go straight back to this priest example. In cases of mass abuse by priests there usually isn't even an investigation or an arrest made. The catholic church also yields great power over communities and families.
4./ The witness statements against Arnold Friedman make him out to be a tyrant who terrorized and threatened the victims, not a subtle manipulative groomer who took his time and built up gradually.
5./ When priests were with children parents couldn't just randomly turn up when they wanted. Arnold's classes were frequently interrupted by parents making enquiries or checking on their kids, yet MIRACULOUSLY every single time that happened all the boys were silent and calm.
6./ You can groom all you want but if a grown man sodomizes a young boy 'with brutality' and forces penetration there WILL BE physical evidence. The idea that every single boy whom was allegedly raped all managed to show no evidence of penetration is just flat out preposterous.
Judging by your view of this case you believe every claim made against the Friedmans so you must also believe in these mass rape games in full view of all the other boys? If you believe that you'll believe anything, and if you don't believe that then you've already accepted that some of this case is fiction pure and simple.
1./ His admission of being a paedophile doesn't prove in anyway he violently raped dozens of boys
I never said it proved it - stop trying to force an argument that isn't there. It is, however, part of the overall puzzle. If you don't think that the fact that he admitted to being a pedophile has nothing at all to do with this case then you have to take your blinders off.
2./ There are not 'numerous' victims whom are still vocal there were about three who all spoke anonymously through Judge Bockland.
According to the Nassau County Report / Independent advisory panel "Three victims affirmed their prior accounts to the Review Team, and at least three others maintained their accusations at various points within the last decade."
3./ You mention biology classes but then just go straight back to this priest example. In cases of mass abuse by priests there usually isn't even an investigation or an arrest made. The catholic church also yields great power over communities and families.
Investigation or not - these children still go home to their parents. As well as there are investigations and they do get prosecuted - not always but they do get prosecuted. Much of the abuse isn't prosecuted or investigated because they hid their crimes for so long and statute of limitations are past and victims don't want to relive the abuse in court.
4./ The witness statements against Arnold Friedman make him out to be a tyrant who terrorized and threatened the victims, not a subtle manipulative groomer who took his time and built up gradually.
The build up I was referring to was the physical abuse which didn't exhibit signs. He could have used many ways to manipulate them as many abusers do.
./ When priests were with children parents couldn't just randomly turn up when they wanted. Arnold's classes were frequently interrupted by parents making enquiries or checking on their kids, yet MIRACULOUSLY every single time that happened all the boys were silent and calm.
How long does it take a kid or Arnold to pull his pants up and say - if you say anything ill kill your parents or I'll tell everyone what kind of kid you are? Even in the article I referenced - it says the priests did abuse the children in their own home.
6./ You can groom all you want but if a grown man sodomizes a young boy 'with brutality' and forces penetration there WILL BE physical evidence. The idea that every single boy whom was allegedly raped all managed to show no evidence of penetration is just flat out preposterous.
Let's just give Arnold a reward for being good at being a pedophile. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this.
Judging by your view of this case you believe every claim made against the Friedmans so you must also believe in these mass rape games in full view of all the other boys? If you believe that you'll believe anything, and if you don't believe that then you've already accepted that some of this case is fiction pure and simple.
You need to take your blinders off and stop believing everything you watch. I go by the facts - not by what some director decides to put (and doesn't put) into his movie.
This is a case based on testimony alone without any direct evidence.
No sexual computer games were admitted into evidence.
Not one photograph of the abuse was admitted into evidence.
Not one bit of physical evidence was submitted.
It's a case based on testimony alone and the record shows that much of that testimony was recanted, unreliable, way over the top and coerced by the police. Therein lies the fact that there will always be a problem knowing if the Friedman's were guilty of heinous abuse and deserved such long sentences.
This is a case based on testimony alone without any direct evidence.
Do you even know what direct evidence is? This case was based on direct evidence. The statements and interviews of each victim is DIRECT EVIDENCE.
t's a case based on testimony alone and the record shows that much of that testimony was recanted, unreliable, way over the top and coerced by the police. Therein lies the fact that there will always be a problem knowing if the Friedman's were guilty of heinous abuse and deserved such long sentences.
Three victims affirmed their prior accounts to the Review Team, and at least three others maintained their accusations at various points within the last decade.
None of the five individuals who Friedman advocates suggest “recanted” have, in fact, recanted to any degree of legal certainty. Three have not recanted at all. Reviews of transcripts concerning these individuals reveal that abuse occurred. Another who spoke to the Review Team stood by his account, in contrast to the statement he gave to filmmakers. The subject of the most recent purported recantation has refused to speak to the Review Team or even confirm he wrote the letter outlining the claim, which was provided to the Review Team by Jesse Friedman’s lawyer.
Thirteen children accused Jesse Friedman of criminal misconduct within the first five weeks of the investigation.
The investigation also revealed additional statements alleging abuse by Jesse Friedman, obtained during the original investigation from three children who did not testify against Jesse Friedman in any grand jury and were therefore not known to anyone outside law enforcement until this Review. One additional student originally disclosed abuse against Arnold Friedman only, but has since told the Review Team that he was also abused by Jesse Friedman.
Incomplete and insufficient police paperwork at times hampered the Review Team’s ability to reconstruct portions of the police department investigation and decision-making process.
Friedman codefendant Ross Goldstein privately confessed to a childhood friend in 1989. Unedited film transcripts of Judge Abbey Boklan and Detective Anthony Squeglia show that each was the subject of selectively edited and misleading film portrayals in Capturing the Friedmans.
The “Meyers Tape” – one of only two pieces of direct evidence of heavy-handed police interviewing techniques cited by Friedman, his advocates and the Court – is, in fact, no tape at all. All that remains of a tape that hasn’t existed for more than two decades are notes taken during its screening by a Jesse Friedman attorney. Those notes, presumably limited to information the attorney found helpful to his client’s case, were then reduced and curated by filmmakers, and read dramatically by Friedman’s attorney in Capturing the Friedmans.
A sworn affidavit from the therapist who treated former student “Computer Student One,” stated that she never performed hypnosis on the child. A portion of an unedited transcript of the film’s interview with “Computer Student One” contradicted his claim of pre-outcry hypnosis and had been edited out. “Computer Student One” claimed in a 2004 media report that Capturing the Friedmans “twisted” his account. The filmed allegations of “Computer Student One” remain the only direct evidence offered by Friedman or his advocates suggesting that hypnosis was used to induce victims to make accusations in this case.
An analysis of unrelated wrongful child abuse accusations across the country during the time period in question identified several material distinctions with the Friedman case, including: the comparatively older ages of the complainants, the plausibility of the allegations, and the criminal backgrounds of those involved (namely, Arnold Friedman’s inarguable and admitted pedophilia).
While maintaining his innocence prior to his eventual guilty plea, Friedman commissioned and failed at least two lie-detector tests.
Notes from Friedman’s attorney reveal that a psychiatrist hired by Friedman prior to his guilty plea, found Friedman to be a “narcissist” and “psychopath” who was capable of committing the crimes with which he was charged. The notes also reveal the existence of a second Friedman-hired doctor. Friedman’s lawyer eventually instructed both doctors not to issue formal reports “due to the extreme negative result”.
Prison disciplinary records show that Friedman was caught possessing a magazine photograph depicting two nude children, and was punished for writing allegedly fictional accounts of bestiality, incest and child rape.
Howard Friedman, brother of Arnold and uncle of Jesse, admitted to the Review Team that Arnold had privately confessed to him shortly after his arrest, and that Arnold admitted to him that Jesse was also involved in the abuse that occurred in the Friedman house, and that Arnold admitted molesting Jesse.
In a post-conviction interview by law-enforcement personnel, Arnold Friedman admitted to abusing 41 children and denied abusing 12 others.
Prior to his guilty plea, Friedman went to visit his father in an out-of-state prison in an effort to locate photographs of the abuse that Friedman once agreed may exist. Case files also reference a hidden closet near the computer room that was not searched by federal agents during the surprise search warrant and was later discovered empty during the execution of a state search warrant in the weeks following the Friedmans’ arrests.
Jesse Friedman’s willingness to tell the truth has been inconsistent, especially as it pertained to his many descriptions of his father’s guilt, his own possible victimhood, and his prior relationship with his former friend and codefendant, Ross Goldstein.
It's not a perfect case - and there were screw ups and exaggerations and even lies - but I'm using the evidence on a whole and making a conclusion - I think we are at a point of agreeing to disagree
If all that were true and there was such a compelling and powerful case against the Friedmans then why did they make up these ridiculous stories about mas rape games? Why even bother exacerbating the abuse if there was good evidence abuse occurred anyway?
I'll fully accept that Arnold Friedman may have molested his son, and that molestation may have gone on in the computer classes. Maybe Ross Goldstein saw or knew of this, thus implicating him.
However my issue with the case is that it was a case alleging violent rape and depraved rape games of multiple children. I just see NO compelling evidence any of this happened.
Just because Arnold Friedman had paedophilic interests, and may have touched a few boys in his class doesn't mean he and Jesse violently raped dozens of boys over an extended period.
Finally, agreeing to disagree aside, an adult CAN NOT penetrate a child or teenage boy for the first time in that child's life and not leave physical evidence. All consensual homosexual relationships between adults leave clear physical signs. That part is not up for debate.
why did they make up these ridiculous stories about mas rape games?
Who said they made it up?
I'll fully accept that Arnold Friedman may have molested his son, and that molestation may have gone on in the computer classes. Maybe Ross Goldstein saw or knew of this, thus implicating him.
So his brother's admission is a lie?
Answer me this...Why did Jesse confess on Geraldo giving detail to the abuse of his father? Is that a lie as well?
Just because Arnold Friedman had paedophilic interests, and may have touched a few boys in his class doesn't mean he and Jesse violently raped dozens of boys over an extended period.
No it doesn't mean that - but you seem to disregard every other single piece of the puzzle. Multiple victims, third party involvement, confessions, lie-detectors, etc.
All consensual homosexual relationships between adults leave clear physical signs. That part is not up for debate.
It's not up for debate because you say it? Show me where it medically says conclusively that there must be evidence of anal sex every time. I have read medical literature that specifically states rape can occur without causing injury and the absence of signs does not mean it didn't happen. You can do a quick google search and find sites that specifically state that the absence of signs of rape does not mean it did not happen.
Jesse had just got a very lengthy prison sentence. His only chance of early parole, preferential prison treatment etc was for him to play the victim admit his guilt and look for sympathy. He'd already pled guilty and was into his sentence, this was a media opportunity to sell himself as a poor victim who needed help. What other choice did he have? Say he was innocent and accept the entirety of his sentence?
(It's not up for debate because you say it? Show me where it medically says conclusively that there must be evidence of anal sex every time. I have read medical literature that specifically states rape can occur without causing injury and the absence of signs does not mean it didn't happen. You can do a quick google search and find sites that specifically state that the absence of signs of rape does not mean it did not happen.)
Sorry but you're really off base here. The word 'rape' can mean multiple different coerced or forced sexual acts upon an individual, and yes 'rape' in that sense definitely can occur without physical injury being left. Assuming, with a great deal of certainty, that none of these boys were already active homosexuals; their being anally penetrated would have been a first time experience.
Ask any homosexual man what happened when he first had anal sex, and that would likely be with all available aids and NO COERCION. You simply do not commit sodomy without physical repercussions, and rather serious ones at that. Even with consensual anal sex there is rectal bleeding, sensitivity, mild to severe pain. Parents would notice if their son came home after being anally raped once. Let alone raped over and over.
Regarding the sex games. You HONESTLY BELIEVE that Arnold and Jesse would set up multiple nude boys in plain view of everyone else and jump into them one by one raping them??? And that NO ONE would say ONE WORD about it? The leap frog and other so called game scenarios is as preposterous as anything I've ever heard.
What other choice did he have? Say he was innocent and accept the entirety of his sentence?
He already confessed to it in court? It isn't as if he was proclaiming he was innocent - he legally said he did it and plead guilty to it - didn't he? Up until the Geraldo confession - he didn't proclaim innocence. He confessed already and plead guilty to the crimes. Also, why did he have to go into so much detail? He even expanded on Geraldo's questions. It sounded like someone coming clean and letting it go.
You make it seem like these rapes were all physically forced and always violent. A pedophile can convince, persuade, intimidate, scare a child into having sex without force.
Assuming, with a great deal of certainty, that none of these boys were already active homosexuals; their being anally penetrated would have been a first time experience.
It could have started with fingers, small objects, etc - it's called grooming. They gradually abuse these children to leave little to no evidence. I'm still waiting for the documentation that conclusively states anal intercourse will ALWAYS show signs and evidence. If you did your google search you will find it applies to all kinds of rape including anal. That is why a doctor usually can't conclusively say someone wasn't raped when there are no signs. Lack of signs does not signify lack of crime.
(That is why a doctor usually can't conclusively say someone wasn't raped when there are no signs. Lack of signs does not signify lack of crime.)
That applies with vaginal rape whereby a woman will normally have vaginal sex anyway. If a 13 year old boy is sodomized by an adult male there will be no lack of conclusion. Young boys do not have their anal orifices ripped open as part of life.
Also read your own posts. This wasn't a gradual subtle buildup. The charges were that Arnold and Jesse raped these boys with brutality not gradually.
If you think not one, but thirteen, boys could be anally raped by an adult without leaving evidence then you're crazy. You even believe the leap frog game!!! That wouldn't cause physical harm to just ONE BOY???
That applies with vaginal rape whereby a woman will normally have vaginal sex anyway.
NO - show me where it says that it applies exclusively to vaginal rape.
Also read your own posts. This wasn't a gradual subtle buildup. The charges were that Arnold and Jesse raped these boys with brutality not gradually.
Show me where it says there wasn't a gradual build up.
If you think not one, but thirteen, boys could be anally raped by an adult without leaving evidence then you're crazy.
Many of these children might not have been raped in weeks - I don't know the timeline but I doubt this was all done to ALL the children just prior to it coming out - and the investigation took weeks. The fact IS - it does happen and has happened.
(NO - show me where it says that it applies exclusively to vaginal rape.)
It doesn't apply exclusively to vaginal rape, it could apply to all types of oral rape aswell etc. The point is that a grown man cannot brutally anally penetrate a small boy and leave no evidence. It's just not medically possible. Hence the reason many experts were sceptical about the nature of the charges against the Friedman's.
Gradual grooming or not if that leap frog game actually happened that would be a very violent experience for the boys involved. A grown man, and an older teenager literally forcing themselves down into young boy's anuses. Get real.
I believe Arnold Friedman could have groomed one or two boys and ended up committing sodomy and by chance none of the boys; parents, friends, school teachers notice it. It's unlikely, but plausible. However, repeated anal rapes of dozens of boys over weeks and weeks, and NO ONE being suspicious AT ALL about ant discomfort these boys were in after class is just so way out.
Claims made by these boys were that they were raped multiple times a week, every week for seven straight weeks and don't say a word and keep re-enrolling.
At the VERYLEAST you must be able to accept the very high likelihood that these charges were exacerbated and that not all of it was true.
Still waiting for any documentation about it. Unfortunately your writing it down does not mean it's true. You keep using the words brutally and violently - yet as I wrote it was gradual.
As I have pointed out - children have been molested on a large scale just like this for years and without a parent or child coming forward.
At the VERYLEAST you must be able to accept the very high likelihood that these charges were exacerbated and that not all of it was true.
NO - I wouldn't say there is a "high likelihood" they were exacerbated. They might have been exaggerated , they also might have been more than just what was found out. Like I said - all I'm going by is the facts that I can find -- the reports, the confession of Arnold, the confession of Jesse, the failed lie-detectors, Arnold's brother's admissions, the multiple victim statements, etc.
I just saw this doco and was quite moved by it, being unfamiliar with the case or any of the details other than what I've seen on the forums here.
Pardon me for jumping in here, I had a few thoughts that I'd like to throw out there that aren't directly relevant to your discussion. I get the feeling that he was probably being monitored at the time of the original mail intercept - wouldn't it be rather unlikely for customs to discover such material out of the blue? Which also leads me to suspect that a complaint came from somewhere - possibly from the previous abuse of the two boys at his holiday home, or elsewhere.
I have no kind of evidence to support this claim, it just seems the most likely scenario to me that he'd already been brought to the attention of the authorities before all of this started. Maybe the parents/children of this supposed original complaint didn't want to go through with the traumatizing process of police interviews and testifying etc, but it sure could've given the authorities a strong motive to nail him.
I get the feeling that he was probably being monitored at the time of the original mail intercept - wouldn't it be rather unlikely for customs to discover such material out of the blue? Which also leads me to suspect that a complaint came from somewhere - possibly from the previous abuse of the two boys at his holiday home, or elsewhere.
I wouldn't draw that conclusion. US Customs has pretty broad powers to examine media mail coming into the USA. I'm sure they get a pretty good profile for suspicious stuff, and I would guess that magazines coming in from the Netherlands would have a pretty good chance of being pornographic, at least back in the pre-internet era. (How many Americans are having legit magazines mailed to them from the Netherlands?) They might have even based the examination on the return address or the appearance of the mailing envelope, since a few sources of material would send out lots of contraband.
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Although I don't have the same view as the film maker did regarding the Friedmans - I think that your theory is a jump. Is it possible - sure - but I don't think you can/should make that jump. The postal service does intercept various illegal items without prior complaints. So although it is possible a complaint was made prior - I don't think it would be unlikely or likely - I just think it is another possibility and there would be no reason to make that jump (at least without further evidence).
It's pretty obvious that they were innocent. How ridiculous is it that a pedophile gets his son to participate in the molestation activities? It sometimes does happen that multiple members of a family participate in heinous crimes together, but that's usually only in highly dysfunctional families. The Friedmans seemed like a normal, happy upper middle class family before the incident.
I wouldn't doubt that the father DID at some point in his life molest little boys so who cares about him. But it does seem like the son got sent to prison for 13 years just because he happened to be in the room when his father was doing those computer classes.
The stories are ridiculous. The claims make it sound like it was a torture chamber of rape and pornography. It doesn't sound like the type of thing that a careful pedophile who has managed to live secretly in society would do. It sounds like the kind of thing that comes out of a child's imagination with the "help" of aggressive policemen.
The fact that so many people are defending the conviction shows just how powerful hysteria is. You don't need ANY physical evidence, you can make ANY outlandish claims, you can ignore TONS of contradictory information and still have people totally convinced.
Why would the Geraldo interview be evidence? It's just an extension of the confession. If you want to gain sympathy from the public then make a public interview in which you tell everyone that you were molested.
Ross Goldstein admitted that he made a false confession. Why would he admit that if the molestation actually happened? It would just make him look like a horrible person who sent his innocent friend to prison for over a decade, so why would he do it if the crimes actually happened? The Goldstein confession, if anything, is evidence AGAINST Jesse's guilt. It shows just how aggressive the police were. If they were able to force a confession out of a teenager then they were certainly able to convince a bunch of 10 year olds to make those claims.
The key aspect of this entire case seems to be paranoia and hysteria surrounding child abuse in the 1980's climate.
Policemen found extremely disturbing child abuse magazines sent to Arnold Friedman and when they found out he taught 'boys' in private computer classes had a forest fire of suspicion and morbid fear lit in their minds.
I believe Arnold Friedman had inappropriate fantasies about boys, and that he may very well have committed some low level molestation. However, it was when police knocked on doors and actually showed graphic images to children that these wild stories began circulating.
No witnesses took polygraphs
No physical evidence
Not a single pre arrest complaint from anyone??
Computer class students, and parents whom were, or had their kids, pre4sent during alleged sexual abuse openly saying none of it happened
Defenders of the police seem to just hide behind the whole 'well he was a paedophile anyway so who cares what sentence he got.'