Does anyone have a link to a summary of the actual events?
There are of course countless internet links to reviews of the documentary. But I would like to read an account of these tragic events that is separate to the documentary. Being that it apparently had such an impact at the time, at least in Brazil, one would think someone (other than the documentary maker) would have investigated the story, and written up the events. Does anyone know where such an account exists?
One reason I ask is that there are cetain things that aren't clear from the (excellent)documentary. For example:
a) Was his original intention just to rob passengers on the bus, and then run off?
b) How did the police get alerted?
c) Apparently, there were 11 passengers on the bus, although this wasn't evident from the documentary. Did he really only concentrate on just 4 of them?
d) Why did the police take no action to move the crowd and media back?