Just reazlied something

I know it's a show, and I'm all for the pretend fantasy thing, but I have to say what I just noticed. Phil is from the year 2020, right? Well, that's only 13 years from now. I doubt technology will be that enhanced in just 13 years. I mean, by that time I'll be 28, and I wasn't expecting to be driving a time machine to work as a robot maker thing, but hey, it's a show, I totally understand that so don't go bashing saying "It's just a show you retarded loser". I'm aware of that. I just, thought I would mention one tiny detail.
It's not eating me alive or anything, just thought I would say my words.
That's all.
Continue with your, well, whatever the hell you were doing.

The hills are alive with the sound OF music



I made the same mistake. I could swear that I sometimes hear them saying 2020, but then I realize its 2121.


Well if they have a time machine they could just go back to 2121 if they wanted and not skip the 2 years by going to 2123.

