POTF fans, help out!

The trolls and haters on the Naked Brothers Band board are getting out of hand. They've gone from insulting the show to harassing the fans. They made a Naked Brothers Band Haters Gang to try to "defeat" the lovers of the show, so us fans retaliated and made our own gang. We already have 12 members, but we need more, and anyone with any other ideas is welcome as well. You can PM MissesBorat if you'd like to join, or you can simply go here: http://imdb.com/title/tt0888280/board/thread/79143581



The show refers to The Naked Brothers Band. Sorry if that wasn't clear! We're trying to recruit people to help defend the NBB boards from haters and trolls. I've been making threads about it on various Disney/Nickelodeon show boards.

This doesn't have anything to do with POTF, I was just hoping some POTF fans might also like NBB. Sorry!


I need a position mimi.
I don't think I got one yet.


Wait aren't you a thunderboss?


The fans are jerks and they will swear you off. Run away CHARLIE RUN STRAIGHT HOME AND DONT STOP FOR NUTTIN

Yes, but you made one crucial mistake: you left me my spoon.


...and heres what we're trying to defend the boards from. Losers like this.


I was a hater when the show first premiered. Ah, good times.

"All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney


No offense but I hate that show. I think it's absolutely cheesy, even to the point of awkwardness. Just my opinion, though.



I hated the NBB too. I don't really mind it now, but it still can't compete with the shows we had in the 90's. lol

"All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them." - Walt Disney
