The new Jonas show... written by the same guys.
I watched it with very little in the way of expectations, a glimmer of hope somewhere inside me wanting back something POTF-esque on Disney Channel, just for the well being of future generations' senses of humour, and lo-and-behold it did remind me of POTF! I looked it up, and it is indeed written by the same guys. (sorry for the melodramatics at the begginning there, lol).
And one of the directors actually worked on Always Sunny in Phildelphia! Cools!
Anyway, if you haven't seen it, I've probably gotten your hopes up a bit too much at this point. It, of course, is nowhere near as good as POTF. The acting is terrrrible, the music even worse (I recommend skipping that, if you can.) Their delivery isn't too bad, but again, comparing it to POTF has a bad outcome. We were a bit spoiled with POTF, weren't we? ;)
Overall though, I might watch it again, cause it did make me laugh at least a few times (It had some good jokes, per the writers!). I just won't tell anyone when I do. :P