Film special effects
I'm watching this years after its making, but were the standards for special effects that low in 2003? Two thing disappointed and jumped out as really amatuerish, especially with such beautiful art & set direction. This was a European crew, does that explain? This comes off as really treating a film audience like children.
First - the CGI scenes, or maybe it was even stock footage, of the audience in the theatre applauding are just awful; no excuse. The standard for film is to have the visible front rows with live people applauding, and fill in the rear of a venue with special effects. Here there is a cartoon of the full audience with fake hand-clapping, so jarring in the opening movie scenes, and thereafter in places.
Second - the first real bedroom scene when Tom falls out of bed. You see he is wearing tights with a (rear) body graphic; they stretch and wrinkle like cloth. Everyone in the movie theater noticed this, C'mon, if the actor was not going to be nude, a body double would have been fine.