MovieChat Forums > Ritânâ (2002) Discussion > Id rather go watch BeBop

Id rather go watch BeBop

Ive noticed in a lot of japanese films characters are very similar to that of Cowboy Bebop, same as in returner, all the "cool" light their cigarettes with zippos and wear suits that seem to small for them. Now thats nothing new in cinema, guns and black suits in movies go together like chicken and noodles in soup. But if im looking for cool asian influenced sci-fi action, id just watch Cowboy Bebop.


ive heard about a cowboy bebop the movie.. somewhere


You're acting like Bebop started something new. Granted, after Bebop hit it big, there was an influx of these shows, but there's been a lot of anime characters previous with that cool factor, many of which inspired Spike Spiegel.
Hell, Spike and Jet are nice nods to Lupin and Jigen from Lupin III, respectively.


I just wanna add one comment to this.

It took a loooooong while regurgitating same old idea over and over again in order to come up with a bit refined anime character like Spiegel. I am in my early 30s now and I can’t believe that I watched all those animes when I was young. I have found most of animes really annoying now days and got so tired of seeing regurgitated characters over and over again. It’s rare to come across fresh new characters in Japanimation and you are a lucky man if you ever come across fresh new characters without losing your patient. BTW, I do recommend the Cowboy Bebop movie. It’s better than this movie.

My life isn't any better than yours.

reply did influence bebop...jegan (padon the spelling) is very similar to spike...i guess im just bias cause i like the series too much


Yeah... and there was a time in American Cinema where lighting up a cigarette in a fancy manner with a zippo was cool too. To tell you the truth, it wasn't really the smoking aspect of Spike(and every other character save for Ed and Ein in Bebop) that I found so cool. It was how the English dubbed actor said the words, "I don't feel like it." and "Obnoxious frog." that propelled the character of Spike Spiegel to the higher quadrant of cool.


Cowboy Bebop sucks. That's all there is to it. This movie was far better than Cowboy Bebop. Cowboy Bebop is highly overrated, the characters aren't even designed that well, the story is stupid, and it's just plain boring. You people act like it's the best damn thing to hit the Anime scene, but newsflash: It's NOT.

And I found the characters to be more based on the characters from VERSUS rather than shoddy Cowboy Bebop.


Music and style Vize, music and style. The story follows in a novel-like manner; slowly revealing it's entireity through subtle subplots and such. Characters from Cowboy Bebop were OBVIOUSLY based off of other existing characters in the past... it's almost impossible to create a work of fiction nowadays that doesn't require characters inspired from other characters. You can not deny it's popularity. But in a way, I can see things the way you do. How in the Hell can a videogame based off a little chunky Italian plumber in red overalls named Mario become such a phenomenal success? Easy. It just did. It doesn't require much logic. What the Hell are people thinking when they pay millions of dollars for a piece of artwork that looks like it was done by a four year old(modern art)? What makes Lord of The Rings: Return of the King so special(actually I disliked the movie)? It just is. You sound as if you have a grudge against Cowboy Bebop(or it's success), but if you don't and are just stating what you truely believe are facts, then my apologies.

"You people act like it's the best damn thing to hit the Anime scene, but newsflash: It's NOT."

While your statement is opinion based which is never wrong to the individual, never forget to just look at the regular facts, which is that Cowboy Bebop IS a highly successful anime, which actually qualifies it into the category of "the best damn thing to hit the Anime scene". But majority of your statement can be respected since it does just represent your individual opinion. Your additional "...newsflash: It's NOT." however, is what makes you sound like a common flamethrower, troll, or whatever term you wish to call it; those three words almost nullify whatever credibility your post actually had. While I know better than to think this as I know your thoughts are strickly opinion-based, but such careless comments on an even greater success than Cowboy Bebop may lead more people to think you a fool. And you do not want people to think you a fool, for it makes your posts void of any worth whatsoever. If it is a grudge that you have against Cowboy Bebop, then I hope you get over it one day, for it really is at least a decent Anime. Though if you truely think that it is unsatisfactory due to your listed reasons, then I hope that one day you will open your mind to new areas of art of which you have currently closed off and labled as "stupid" and "boring". But if you're truely happy with the current mindset you have, then stick with it and keep your chin up soldier, you'll get no arguement from me.


Reminds me of the anime fan who will insist that if you liked Akira than youre an idiot and Akira is highly overrated. blah blah.

"You people act like it's the best damn thing to hit the Anime scene, but newsflash: It's NOT."


"The anime I watch is so much better than yours."

Everything I need to know I learned from booze.


Do you PinkSniper, just look for something to complain about?
Maybe you just couldn't wrap your mind around the plot(s) of Cowboy Bebop; so in an effort to not look DUMB, you called the show stupid.

I want to see more of you in the lab.
I'll gain weight.
