
hi does anyone know what the word ritana means in english? does it mean returner or sumthin else? is it a japanese word?


I would think that it means "Returner", but since this is a Japanese movie, it would not be spelled Returner, but リタナ which is pronounced Ri-ta-na,
an approximation to the English pronounciation. Japanese has fewer syllables than English, therefor English words have to be changed so that they can be pronounced in Japanese.

Im not Japanese, Im studiyng the language (but still on a beginners level) but Im pretty sure about this.

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Konnichi Wa. studying Japanese as well. lol Not vigorously but i'm trying to learn. I must say this movie kicks butt. Anne Suzuki is so cute. And Takeshi totally rocked. As did Goro?(Misaguchi). Great movie.


The name of the movie is the translation that the english word would get if it were placed into Japanese characters. Ri-ta-na (Re-tur-ner). Basically, say "Returner" with an accent.
