Movie ripoffs

Firstly I love action films, as a fan I find the asians ones generally more entertaining.
One of the things I like about films in general is to be able to pickup on certain influences or styles, generally refered to as ripoffs.
When I watch a movie, like Returner, and notice paralels to films like Terminator or Matrix I note and comment on it's use, was it better?, was it lame? I don't judge simply because it's there.
in Returner I noticed a Terinator style plot, the use of "Bullet Time" popularised by the Matrix films, and after I read the board I picked up on the simularities to The Professional, among others.
Did I judge the film because of these apparent ripoffs? No I applaud it for it's boldness and seamless blending of these techniques into it's form.

As for Ripping off films I take note of Daelocks post elsewhere.

When will people stop ripping off the Matrix?
I was watching a film and the guy had a long black coat and sunglasses, such a ripoff.
Even Point break was a matrix ripoff, come on it had Keanu in it. (so did Bill and Ted but I'll forgive that film.)
And Blade... The rave scene in the begining, such ripoff of the rave scene in THE MATRIX.



I lick the brothers balls.

Maybe this should be in the MATRIX thread?


You don't suppose the Matrix could be accused of ripping off a lot of Asian movies, do you? It's style is not exactly standard Western .


so many posts about people annoyed at the matrix getting riped off, get over it. like what labratst said the matrix isn't so pure they got their ideas from other movies such as ghost in the shell and a few others. every one rips every one elses ideas off, well not every one i guess hehe ideas have to start some where i guess




Dude you're totally retarded. The Matrix is a huge ripoff itself. Everything from the gunfight, the style to the bullet-time and all that *beep* ripped off HONG KONG and ASIAN movies. Go watch the true originators and learn something you ignorant.


"When will people stop ripping off the Matrix?
I was watching a film and the guy had a long black coat and sunglasses, such a ripoff."

lol, I don`t suppose you have seen A Better Tomorrow, or else you wouldn´t write this *beep* Chow Yun Fat was wearing similar clothes and sun glasses in that one and don`t tell me John Woo ripped off The Matrix, ´cause A Better Tomorrow was made in 1986! So better watch it, before you write more *beep* like this...

just take a look at the cover, if you don`t believe me ;)


You guys should read the thread-starting post again, since you don't seem to get it.

The first half is his actual post, the latter half - which everyone is taking exception to - is a sarcastic post that he is quoting.

i think, therefore i'm an atheist - steve irish


I agree with ineptuser

The OP was quoting (unfortunately not using the {quote} {/qutoe} feature) someone else and then he said shouldn't that post have been in the matrix board.

So all you guys shouting at OP you are actually shouting at the guy he quoted.


:D Hook, Line and Sinker.


Dont forget the comic book The Invisibles.

Gotta love the term "Matrix Ripoff" though. Funny stuff.

Everything I need to know I learned from booze.


"And Blade... The rave scene in the begining, such ripoff of the rave scene in THE MATRIX. "

I realise that this is a quoter ironically (even though it's not ironic) quoting a quote by another quoter who was arguing the validity of nonsense like the Matrix but the fact remains that Blade was made and released a year before the Matrix was, so any ripping off on Blade's behalf would probably cause a rupture in the time space my granny's ring.

As irritating as this factual error is it is eclipsed by the fact that people are arguing over "who ripped off who?" in the case of mindless fodder like Returner and The Matrix. Isn't Quentin Tarantino constantly praised for recycling other peoples work and passing it off as his own postmodern pop culture rubbish? If that is what makes a cinematic genius then i'm gonna load up on booze get a camera and remake once upon a time in america as a teen comedy. I'll throw in some animated sequences, hire the emotional treetrunk that is Uma thurman and get some equally wooden has been TV actors. Wait a minute, that's not genius, it's prepackaged "cool" rubbish.


"Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

Someone once said to the effect that people in the entertainment industry are reluctant to be THE FIRST at doing something original and innovative, but when someone does come along with something original and innovative that catches the public's imagination, everybody wants to imitate it. In other words, people don't want to be the first, BUT they do want to be second.

I don't necessarily agree or disagree with the above, but it is a very interesting and relevant way of looking at this topic about who's ripping off who...

Strength of mind, force of will...


it also has a Terminator twist to it... with the whole "Goin back in time to save the world" thing....




''paranoid_dysfunction'' you are an idiot, i love ''The Matrix'' and also i'm a fan of it but... i DO agree that ''The Matrix'' has some ripoff from other's movies or animes too, don't get me wrong i do defend The Matrix and it's actually my #1 favorite movie but it DOES have some ripoff too, so stop posting some sh!t about other's movies. And i found ''Returner'' to be very cool too.
