is the movie's actions and special fx good, and is it worth buying>.
shareis the movie's actions and special fx good, and is it worth buying>.
shareI'll try and give as much detail as I can without giving anything away. On a first impression, I enjoyed Returner very much, but I can easily see why many others didn't care for it. The movie's plot is a rip-off of countless American blockbusters (just on first viewing I see E.T., The Terminator, Back to the Future, ID4, Stargate, Dune, The Matrix, MI:2, and even a little bit of The X-Files) and there's nothing really all that special in the way the story is executed but, in general, most Asian action flicks don't have much plot so I at least count it a blessing that ripping off all the aforementioned films gives the film enough story to sustain interest.
What makes Returner worth watching is the action, f/x, and the performances. The action mostly consists of fast-paced gun battles. Most of the gun battles play out more like a series of short shootouts; the heroes will kill a few bad guys, head into another room and kill a few more, so on and so forth (think Time and Tide) Some of the action scenes employ bullet-time techniques (but it's thankfully limited to only a few moments). The shootouts are fluid and stylishly directed (my favorite was the opening sequence), and while very bloody by American standards, look pretty tame compared to some other Asian action flicks. There's a potentially cool motorcycle chase that ends way too quickly, but otherwise, the action is first rate.
As for the f/x, well, I was really quite impressed. I don't know what budget this film had to work with, but the visuals are mostly excellent. Most of the f/x are about on par with a Sci-Fi Channel miniseries (like Children of Dune), and occasionally are up there with even expensive Hollywood blockbusters. Most of the special effects are put on display during the heroine's flashbacks. The battle sequence between the aliens and the last human outpost is quite gripping and could have been the film's highlight, but the scene is marred by some really bad acting.
I think what really won me over was the chemistry between Takeshi Kaneshiro and Anne Suzuki, who develop a cute and funny rapport akin to a big brother/little sister relationship. Kaneshiro, in particular, is one of the few young Asian stars who oozes charisma and actually boasts solid acting talent. Goro Kishitani makes a great villain, making Returner one of the few action films in recent memory that can lay claim to having a kick-ass hero and a hiss-worthy villain.
The movie ends with a post-climactic plot twist that doesn't make a whole lot of sense in regards to the "logic" and paradoxes of time travel, but it's a fun way to end the film.
I'll sum up what Li-1 said, "Yeah, it's good". Go ahead and buy it, you may be dissapointed but I doubt it.
"First comes smiles, then lies. Last comes gunfire." -Roland Deschain, of Gilead
how did the end not make sense logically?
because she was able to hook up with miyamoto, that changed the future because now everyone would survive and there would be no war. because of this she is able to go back in time again to the same time frame and place that piece of metal where miyamoto would be shot. it makes perfect sense and when i saw that it made the movie alot better than it was because it was one of the few times i've seen time travel done right.
Don't get me wrong, I understand all that transpired in the ending; it's just that I was initially bugged by the fact that Miri still remembered the former timeline. My thinking was that since she changed time and automatically returned to the future, then she either a)could possibly have never existed due to the fact that by changing the war she signficantly changed so many aspects of human history (after all, in the future, it's conceivable her parents would never meet each other considering there was never the interference of the war that would destroy so much of the human race) or b)she'd still exist because it's certainly not impossible for her parents to still have hooked up but she wouldn't have any memories of the former timeline considering it never existed in the first place (and in many ways, I can't help but think the ending would have been more poignant that way).
But like I said, I enjoyed the ending, and it is time travel (which people could argue about until they go blue in the face), so it's not really a complaint so much as a pet peeve.
Good point Li-1, we don't know how time-travel would affect the space-time continuum. Its possible she could have memories of the "past", but it is just as likely that she wouldn't. The only way we could know for sure is to build a time machine and use it. How awesome would that be, first-hand knowledge.
"First comes smiles, then lies. Last comes gunfire." -Roland Deschain, of Gilead
In Back to the Future, Marty Mcfly still remembered the previous timeline, but he went back to the present on his own free will with the Delorean. In Returner, it seemed like some larger force was forcing Miri back to the future (when she was fading, I initially thought she'd erased her own existence, I'm surprised the thought never crossed her mind) so that's why I was further surprised she still retained all the memories she had of the former timeline.
shareAs far as the film goes, this is one incredible movie. Regardless of what it does or does not pull from other movies, I was still thoroughly entertained during the entire film.
The chemistry between the two main characters is more than believeable as is the plot, however silly it may seem to some. What people need to remember is that these are movies, and they are not to be taken seriously unless they are in fact movies such as Saving Private Ryan or Schindler's List.
I suppose next, people are going to start ripping on Finding Nemo for actually putting in fish that talk?
A good movie all around, incredibly enjoyable and one that I still like despite having watched it over and over.
In response to the above discussion, while it does seem that she was returned to 2084 against her will, I dont see any reason why she would not be able to retain her memories. The mere fact that she was pulled back does not signify anything but the simple fact that she returned to the future. She was able to retain her memories while going back in time, why not vice versa?
To that response above, JUST traveling to the past has zero effect on the future(and future memories).
When she returned to the future, I had thought she had erased herself, due to no visible force suggesting time travel. But I quickly had to rethink that thought, because when Miyamoto was smoking, he had use the lighter Miri had tricked Miyamoto with.
To end my opinion, I think the writer hadn't thought out everything.
i can see what points you guys are trying to make, and i agree with you, it doesn`t seem to make sense, but neither does a lot of the movie. it`s not like it is based on acuracy or anything. it was a very touching ending though.
shareTo Li-1....
My thinking was that since she changed time and automatically returned to the future, then she either a)could possibly have never existed due to the fact that by changing the war she signficantly changed so many aspects of human history (after all, in the future, it's conceivable her parents would never meet each other considering there was never the interference of the war that would destroy so much of the human race) or b)she'd still exist because it's certainly not impossible for her parents to still have hooked up but she wouldn't have any memories of the former timeline considering it never existed in the first place (and in many ways, I can't help but think the ending would have been more poignant that way).
Actually, there is a couple more I can think of. When she returned to the future, Miri and Miyamoto might have created another timeline. Kind of like Back to the Future. She would have created three timelines. One is the war with aliens. Second is the corrected world with Miyamoto dead. And the third would be the correct world, with Miyamoto alive. I'll skip the, "If Miri's parents didn't meet" thing and go right to the point. Miri couldn't have returned to the war world. She returns to the second world, with Miyamoto dead. Miri goes back and saves Miyamoto, creating the third world, with Miyamoto alive.
It's the only time travel idea that works(somewhat). She would be able to remember what happens(ed), and she would be able to travel back to the time when Miyamoto and past Miri were sleeping.
There would be a plothole in this, but I forgot...-_-'
Live action anime movie.
It's definitely for a rental only. The movie pretty much recycles all the popular sci-fi themes (transformer, terminator, highlander, Mission Impossible, Matrix, fifth element, blah, blah, blah). Editing is horrendous so expect to see disjointed recycled action sequences (if you have seen Matrix and other HK flicks, you saw most of the action sequences) and expect the long pauses between each stories. It’s just my opinion, but the movie is incoherent and a lot of scenes are forced in order to match the overall story. Visually, it’s okay. Writing seems to be mediocre and the whole movie lacks any passion or vision. I don’t know people who can make a quality anime movie like cowboy bebop fall so short on a live-action movie like this.
My life isn't any better than yours.
Great movie, and to add my comments to the above ones concerning time travel, those who travel are usually outside the time continum, that's why things look like they've changed to them.
I really enjoy the subtlies of Asian humor and how they are used in action movies, that and I respect villians like Mizoguchi more than American villians.
The movie was entertaining to me. As long as you don't over-analyze it. If you try to compare this movie to Matrix or Terminator you'll be disappointed. It's a great movie if you watch it "as is" and "as it goes". It has a cute ending and the plot is standard anime-style.
If you enjoyed Battle Royale you'll probably enjoy this. You probably won't watch it a million times, but it should be a classic in your dvd collection.
Well let me try and see if I can add to the time travel theory for this movie.
If she stops the war and then returns to her time period. What kind of world would it be and why would she return? The people of that time would have no knowledge of her existence and the reasons for her time travelling and therefore have no reason to activate a machine to bring her back. (unless she leaves a message in the past which she didnt-or did she....)
She would have no time machine to return to save Miyamoto as it was originally being built as a last resort (which you hear during the base raid). So she wouldn't be able to return.
Anyway, just my 2 cents. Any other theories?
That's one of the time travel theories. That if you were to go back in time and change the something then if you went back to the future you really wouldn't be in your future, but bumped off into a parallel universe/future and someone would take your place in the actual future you came from.
shareWell, I bought it! It does have some good effects and action stuff, but what really makes it a good show is the characters. Killer with a heart of gold, idealistic young girl, thoroughly despicable bad guy...I just really enjoyed it. Oh and it beat the hell out of terminator3 and that last matrix put together!
shareWell I don't think this movie supposed to be serious or scientific. Time paradox may have destroyed the girl since there is a good chance that she may have never born. In any case, this movie is for kids. I read someone said about great special effects, but the boeing 747 (my guess) turning into an alien craft just reminded me of the Fifth Element. And what's the practical purpose of those transformers? Robots and aliens can't figure it out how to deploy weapons in the disguised format?
Someone also mentioned about a weird humor. What I saw was a bad timing throughout the movie. People aren't stupid and missed the bandage that covered the kidnapped scientist. The whole lobby-walking scene with the arrow pointing to his neck felt more like a disjointed commercial from some other materials.
I would really try to like the movie, but it was disjointed, unnecessarily long, and two characters don't really act as a team but two disjointed idiots. The best part of the movie is the first 20-minute. After that the movie becomes as incoherent as most of animes.
I do have to point out that some of the stuff are cool, but you weren’t get thumbs up on this mediocre movie. If you want to check it out something better, rent cowboy bebop movie or Wings of Honneamease (spelling….who cares…)
If you are into all asian stuff, go for this movie as well. It has that certain skin-deep style with no real substance.
One last thing...the special effeects weren't holding up too well in the DVD transfer. B-rated special effect.
Sorry guys for being critical, but this movie doesn't deserve a serious crticism or attention.
My life isn't any better than yours.
My life isn't any better than yours.
All the fx, action, cinematography is excellent..
Is it good? No. Its horrible. Funny how that can happen isn't it?
Why? Kindergarden writing - No brained - worst cardboard villain I've ever seen.
And you can't compare a silly movie like this to Finding Nemo just because fish talking you think is silly. A movie isn't silly because fish can talk. That is Fantasy. And the writing is great in Finding Nemo.
This movie is silly because the writing makes the characters run around doing the dumbest things imaginable considering the circumstances which are themselves just as dumb, contrived, and taken from so many basic sci-fi stories that almost anyone with very basic writing skills can jot down a better story, dialogue, and scenes than what you find in this movie.
But yes it all looks very pretty! But boring just the same, and worse you'll feel cheated watching it as it expects you to be an idiot and not notice.