Didn't the ending seem a little illogical...
I haven't seen the movie for a year (on account of seeing the ending made me hate it this movie for its mis-use of time) so please excuse my reference to characters as Future Girl or Good Guy.
So if i remember correctly, the good guy gets killed in the end by some bad guys but doesn't DIE cause of some special sheet metal that the Future Girl put in his jacket. Now she did that after probably learning of his death in the future and going to the past (while she was there herself) to correct it. Now her, being able to come back is totally bs to me. She wouldn't be able to have any memory of the good guy cause once that alien was sent home, the war never happened, hence she was not born into a war-ravaged future.
Now I guess if you want to be a smart-ass you can go "Oh, but maybe...um...maybe when she was born in the future she had a weird urge to save this man whom she never really met (or did she)."
I hope some poeple can actually make sense of my dribble. Though it would of been a sad ending, just letting him die would of given you that thought of "there are some things that time can't change". Though as soon as that crappy "traveling back again" sub-story came into play, I hated this movie. I actually wish the movie just ended on that hangar with the girl disappearing cause I did actually like the movie from the start, but...damn....that ending sucked.