Dub voice actors
Funny that IMDB completely ignores credit of the english voicing cast.
Immortality is wasted upon the youth
Funny that IMDB completely ignores credit of the english voicing cast.
Immortality is wasted upon the youth
Why should the English-speaking voice actors be any different?
Because English is the language of God. The language spoken by the chosen people... oh my God I am sooo sorry... for a moment there I acted like an American. I take back this post.
My, aren't we bitter.
Being that the IMDb is an American site, written in English, it makes sense to include the English dub actors. It's standard practice for them to include them on anime.
It's certainly not a requirement, but the inclusion of English voice actors for a dub simply makes more since than including Swedish, French, German, etc.
It may be an American site...but all the voice actors are Canadian.
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The Dub actors being ignored didn't bother me as much as the entire English speaking cast (yes, there were english speakers in this movie.)
As for the Movie itself, I liked it as a lite, popcorn movie.
Seriously. That was horrible. It was like they were Western/English trying to speak Japanese, and then forgetting how to speak English again. Their inflection and pronunciation was all wrong :( shame shame.
shareThe voice acting for this film was so bad, no one wanted to take credit for it.
Seriously though I prefer subtitles than dubbing anyway, at least with Japanese to English.
In fact the only language that that seems to work well when dubbed over in English is Dutch, but then again I still would rather read the subtitles.
Credit should be given where credit is due even if its not wanted.
You're watching it dubbed??????
Dubbing takes so much away from films - the emotion is never right and I know translations often miss a lot. Subtitled is definitely the way to watch films.
Regarding the comment about the English speakers in the film, I work in Japan and the way English is taught is ineffective. It usually focuses on rote memorisation rather than encouraging the students to communicate in any shape or form. A huge amount of Japanese teachers of English can't actually speak English and they teach bad pronuciation, grammatical errors and bizarre intonation. I'm a native speaker of English but I've had a teacher - with very poor English - telling me that the correct way to say "hello" is "hallo" and that "the students is wearing shirts that is made in China" is grammatically correct. Before I came to Japan, the English would have shocked me. Now, well, Japan is at the bottom of the list when it comes to English ability and I know why. :(