The Low Down on CG3!
This is what will happen in the 3rd cheetah movie i know i've read the script and seen an advanced screening.
it begins with the cheetahs dancing and singing a song their rehearsing for their new music video but it all ends up being chanel having a dream. later on in the day they meet with an agent who they want to present them they end up falling all over each other while trying the sing and dance. they explain that they are nervous because they use to be a foursome but their lead singer galleria was accepted to cambridge university in england right after finishing high school and she was taking summer classes. so they are still getting use to it just being the three of them.
dorinda is all heart broken after breaking up with joaqiun and pouts and moans throught the entire movie such a pain.
i'm guessing the agent they met with calls someone about a movie and the person inturns calls chanel and asking her if the girls would like to try out for a hollywood movie. she answers for the group without asking the other girls first and agrees to try out. not releasing that the guy named Vik actually said bollywood movie and not hollywood she claims she miss understood him because her cell was having connection troubles.
so they go to india no mention of parents or anything not sure where chanel's mom is or aqua's dad since they were both confirmed to be apart of the movie. while in india they go to a rehearsal only to find out that the producer who happens to be Vik's uncle only wants one girl in the lead role. so the girls promise to audition against each other but only if it's fair.
all the while aqua is love sick over some computer tech guy she called "Kevin 347" she has never seen him but has talked to over the phone turns out the guy lives in india and they meet and began a relationship.
meanwhile chanel starts to fall for Vik the director of the film but she trys to keep it cool remembering the promise they made before heading to india which was no boy talk or relationships for the sake of dorinda and joaquin breaking up and her being upset about it and not wanting to have to deal with boys while in india.
in the middle of the film the girls ties strings to a tree that is suppose to give them good luck and grant their wishes they make.
Dorinda realizes that her and joaquin can still remain friends even though they arent together anymore and she calls himto thell him that but of course he doesnt answer probably paying her back for not answering the calls he made to her throughout the film.
so in the end all three girls end up being in the movie but none get the lead it goes to two other people gita and rahim who are love sick for each other but have a hard time expressing their feelings until dorinda steps in and gives them each a push.
at the end they film a scene much like the ending of CG2 dancing and singing then it goes off.
throughtout the entire movie none of them make a call to galleria which i think is wrong because if this film was in true cheetah spirit chanel would have called galleria to check and see how she was and to tell her how their summer was going.
no raven does not appear in the film. her character is only mentioned for a brief second at the very beginning and that's all.
in my opinion this movie was stupid a waste of time probably the subject of bad writing. I really hope the movies fails so there is no need for a fourth film.