Is this flame-bait? Haven't seen it but making judgement... blah blah...
Rip-off, no. Ripped off, yes. I've already seen American shows rip off scripts from the British version of Coupling. Example: The Friends episode where Chandler discovers Monica's ex-boyfriend has kept his video of sex with her. Complete rip-off of the 1st season (series if yer a Brit)Coupling, including the fact that the ex taped over her with somebody else. I saw the Friends ep first and still the original was way funnier.
I watch the show because I haven't seen the old scripts redone. Perhaps it's because a season consists of 6 to 9 episodes they can be original.
Hope they still make more on the BBC. Hope the american version doesn't suck, the pilot at least has the original writer. Too many times the adaptations suck a$$ Anyone seen the U.S. version of Red Dwarf? Yikes.