Who Was Driving?

When Mirabelle goes home to visit her parents, she is clearly seen leaning on the passenger side window of a vehicle.

The car stops, both doors open and close, she walks to her parents and greets them, then the three of them turn (after Dad does his requisite, "Hi. I've got post-traumatic stress" bewilderment take) and go into the house.

Who drove her there? It didn't look like a taxi. Wouldn't you ACKNOWLEDGE the person who brought your daughter to your door?

It just struck me as odd.


I agree; I couldn't figure out exactly what was going on there - was it a family friend, did Mirabelle hitchhike, or what? It would have been so much simpler to have used an identifiable taxicab; she could still have leaned on the door and stared out of the window.

Directors need to realize that little implausibilities such as this mystery driver merely succeed in breaking the mood and reminding the audience that we are watching an entertainment construct.


I'm going to suspect either it was a cab or a friend who just dropped her off or something... I was wondering the same thing too though. Weird.


my question exactly... it looked like her car... maybe not



I'm going with the taxi reason as well, but it was a noticeable point in the film.


yeah... I was thinking about this too... but I don't think it matters.. I just assume it's a taxi driver.


It was a taxi from the airport, I assume. She obviously has flown from LA to Vermont. This was apparently a car service from the airport.
