I used to like Steve Martin movies when he was actually funny. Now as a serious movie this barely rates..but WHAT REALLY BITES ME!! that the video store has the gall to stick a COMEDY Sticker on this load of crap..also..I just finished watching Mozart and the Whale..a serious movie about people with Aspbergers Syndrome...and ONCE AGAIN the lying fraudsters stick a COMEDY sticker on it. I figure they thin they can con us all into trying these movies simply because of the comedy sticker!!..WHere is the real life section of the store? Oh no there isnt one!! So all these morons can deal with is Action, Drama, SCi FI and Kids sections..hmmmm well I think those last 2 movies deserved to be in Drama at the very freakin least!! I'm going to give the store a serve when I return these movies..I hate being taken for a warned!!