cinderella meets 'he's just not that into you' old guy
why would a sensitive beauty want an old guy like ray? in the short run he gave her some money, but in the long run its good she got out.
havent you seen an old guy in a wheel chair pushed by a younger woman?(go to florida) thats what was in mirabelles future with ray. health problems, endless doctor appointments, and its possible mirabelle wouldnt even be in the will.she would have wasted her entire youth on this old dude. if she did love him, she should have listened more closely...'this is not a serious relationship' . i would recommend that all young women read 'the rules' and 'he's just not that into you' (both are dating advice books).. read these books, you dont have to follow the advice. just be informed.
good movie, old boy meets young girl...blah blah blah. clare danes and brigette wilson are beautiful.