MovieChat Forums > Shopgirl (2005) Discussion > Captures loneliness of urban living in o...

Captures loneliness of urban living in one's twenties well.

Not many movies address this; it's always the main character with a large clique of friends or with the dependable best pal. You never see what it's really like to be young and living in a city; dank neighborhoods, and difficulty making solid connections with anybody.


So true...


It captures his loneliness as well. Just his one night out with his "friend," but otherwise just standing at the kitchen counter eating take-out Chinese.


So of the reasons I love this movie. It unfortunately hits close to home.


Me too, NYgirl! So much of it hits close to home that it is painful to watch sometimes.


I agree totally. A beautiful movie that really did capture the ways people will try (sometimes ill-advisedly) to connect with someone.


I agree. I left a small town to attend college in Chicago and delt with many similar things.


Well said. I can identify. My work keeps me occupied. For Mirabelle it was anti-depressants. Baltimore, male, 24, native Texan

"I'm sorry. Did I break your concentration?"
"Don't you say goodbye?"



etheline. 23, struggling artist, san franciso, from little town iowa.



I absolutely agree. Life is not like most movies and TV shows where you always have tons of friends surrounding you and a date every weekend.


So true. Although I've lived through a chunk of time when I did have a lot of aquaintances and friends (who faded away/drifted off, moved out of state by and by), mostly my life has been more like the isolation portrayed in this film, than not. Very true to life.



The film definitely points out that finally being out of school and on your own alone somewhere is sometimes not what it is cracked up to be, it can be exciting but it can also be very lonely at times. What made the film even sadder for me was that Mirabelle had no "big happy sunshine family" to go home to feel comfort, she is isolated and lonely even with her parents..

