Good story....but!

Paycheck is a good movie ruined by really bad directing and wooden actors. I have never seen a John Woo movie that I thought was directed well


Well... stop watching movies, you obviously hate talent.


Bad directing, wooden actors .. gimmicks, implausibilities, diluted story, too many too long action scenes, constant mickey mousing, movie contradicting itself so many times, almost nothing makes sense, constant narration of things we already see ("That's a catwalk" - yes, thanks, narrational ms. exposition, we could NEVER have actually SEEN that it's a catwalk, seeing that the movie actually shows that it is a catwalk)..

I mean, I could go on - this movie has it all. It's like a course of "How not to make a movie, especially a sci-fi movie, especially with a relatively interesting premise, unless you want to ruin the whole thing".

This movie has a lot of promise, but the further the movie goes, the more everything falls apart, until all you have is a nonsensical action crap with unpleasant actors and unmemorable score, visually generic locations and explosions.


The birdcage-paper thing takes the cake, though.. SURELY the lottery-ticket would've been PROTECTED in a small plastic bag or something, and glued/taped to the bottom, so when someone changes the newspaper, they wouldn't accidentally tear the now poop-covered lottery ticket without even noticing and throw it in the trash.

At least create a trapdoor into the birdcage that can be opened easily, but which is very well hidden, so no one can do it accidentally.

I mean, with about 1.8 minutes of thinking, this thing could've been SO much more satisfying and plausible, but I guess they didn't have that kind of time, when they were in such a hurry to make money.

"Famous actors, John Woo, some cheap Dick's short story - everything checks out, here's money, go make a movie, we should get a big return. Ahh, making money is fun. I mean, movies. I mean to say 'movies'!"

This must've been pretty much how this movie idea was born.
