Alternate English Dub

Before HIGH TENSION was released to R1 DVD, there was an overseas edition that had an alternate English dub, using American actors. I’ve always preferred this dub to the American dub, which contains the voices of the original French actors.

The alternate dub has some issues, however. The quality is less than stellar and the music heard in the film sound like very low quality mp3s had been their source. The formatting is also flawed (it appears to be letterboxed twice, as both 2:35.1, as well as 1:85.1) and the transfer is non-anamorphic.

So, what I’m wondering is if there was a Blu ray release that fixes these issues. One with a high quality audio track with correct anamorphic widescreen. Been looking around on torrent sites and so far, all I’m able to find are Blu ray rips featuring the original French audio and US theatrical dub.



Yes, I did… But, like I said, I’m not looking for that particular English dub.


Read the subtitles, it's really not that hard!

