Deus Ex Machina

The ending was really upsetting for me as it exemplifies Deus Ex Machina.

By suddenly saying, "It was all a dream...", one is able to resolve any plot holes by saying they were just in the imagination of the antagonist (Marie).

The problem with this is it is allows for shoddy writing. The twist ending could have worked if the story had been structured differently. There was definitely a promising beginning to the film and many aspects were well executed (pardon the pun...).

They should have written it a little better. This would have allowed the twist to work without needing to redact large parts of the story as just being imagined.


It wasn't a deus ex machina, it was just a stupid twist. There would be no potholes in this movie if it ended at the scene where the girl finally manages to suffocate the villain and the two were separate entities. They only added the twist ending to drag the running time out a little longer.

A day without a buzz is a day that never was.


No, they added it because it was a rip off of a book by Dean Koontz. community
