Awful film, but even worse...
As bad as this film is, the posters who defend it are worse. Whether it's nmp-tduarte, who sneers at people who don't like it by putting quotes around the word taste which shows how he despises anyone with different (or better) judgement than him, or oxdinaxo, who claims (and seems to actually believe) that "there is NOTHING in it [the film] that ‘doesn’t make sense’", or the other people who seem to imagine that by claiming to like this film that they'll seem to be intellectually or culturally superior to everyone else,
The film is drivel. Some seemingly normal girl suddenly goes into full blown psycho mode, perfoming acts that no one with her physique could do, and we're supposed to be impressed with that. It's just yet another slasher/gore flick with a weak and unreasoned attempt at a surprise twist.
Oh, but it's French, and the murderer is homosexual, so it's progressive, it's brave, it's new-wave, it's obviously so utterly wonderful that anyone who protests at the plot holes or the contrivances *must* be too stupid to understand the film...
It's people like the pretentious loudmouths who (claim to) like this film that keep the art world in such an awful state. You support rubbish like a few difference coloured squares on a white canvas or a few random sploshes in different shades of red, saying that anyone who doesn't like it is too stupid to understand art, whilst not supporting true, quality art.
Look at truly good films, like the Shawshank Redemption, Monty Python's Life of Brian, The Green Mile, etc. You know, films that people actually appreciate because those films are good, then compare it to unimaginative drivel like this waste of time. And yes, it does sometimes happen that a great film/book/work of art/etc can be unappreciated by the masses. But the key word there is "great", which is not a word that can honestly be applied to this rubbish.