6.9 my ass

it was the most idiotic and non-sense film I have ever seen. The director thought it would be a shocking twist in the end, but the level of bullsh*tness was so high that i regret wasting 2 hours of my life watching this crap.
It was rated 6.9 because of the nationalist french people. I'm sure people defending this crap on this board are all french fanatics. 1/10


It clearly went over your head. I'll give it a 10 though, just for you mkay? And I'm not French.


Seems like people only rate 1 and 10 nowadays. I rated it 6.


Very true. There are few films that actually deserve a one star, but I can understand tens. I also gave this six. I'd say the overall rating of 6.9 does seem fair, though.

Can I trade in the children for more cash?


I'm not French and think it's brilliant, but the 1st time I watched it the ending annoyed me but after a 2nd viewing and some thinking it all actually makes sense.

As for the director Aja hated the ending and wanted to change it but the writer and studio wouldn't let him.


I gave it a 7 and loved it. Maybe it's just not your preferred kind of horror movie....

Remember us better than we are.


i gave it 10 with six different accounts


Gave it an 8 . It's thirteen years old and it's still holds its own. I just watched in it on popcorn flicks and couldn't believe that I was still on the edge of my seat. Aja really needs to go back to this style of film to ressurrect his career.
