if Lacuna existed would you do it?
shareYeh... but not to erase any memories of romantic experience... just the memory of having a father.
shareDepends on if the memories won't recreate themselves in some fashion. But probably not.
I think half the point of the movie is that even if you could escape the past (erase your memories), some things are bound to happen given the opportunity. It'd have to be a situation/relationship that I'm not going to easily find myself repeating.
I'd do it to at least get rid of my high school years.
shareNo, because as the film shows, not only with Joel & Clem but Mary & the doctor, most ppl may just end up reliving the same experiences yes?
It's like instead of moving on & learning from, you'd be paying to erase stuff only to relive it again - only you'd be opting to do so without knowing. Would you relive forgettable moments if you knew that you wouldn't know what they would be all over again? lols
History repeating itself mantra with those who forget or choose to ignore.
...my essential 50 http://www.imdb.com/list/ls056413299/
what a great question.
we've all been hurt, and dealt with stuff, but a lot of it has helped us grow, and made us become the people we are today. and i think that is an underlying idea in this movie.
if it was real, it would only need to be allowed under EXTREME circumstances. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, War, intense trauma, anything that makes people psychologically unstable.
for me personally, no.
Saying yes seems like such an easy answer. You do have to learn from your past in order to grow as a person and not make the same mistakes though. So in short, it depends on what I honestly feel is necessary to erase.
But yeah, I wouldn’t mind erasing some things.
No way, Jose!
I think the morale of the movie is that erasing it doesn't really work.
shareI think so, too. It might mess with your mind as well. A big part of who we are is the product of our experiences and how we reacted to and handled them. Take away the memory of something that shaped you and there would be some dissonance. Especially because the memories you'd want to erase would be powerful ones.
shareA friend of mine went through a bitter divorce, and years later told her ex-husband:
"Without you, I would not have become who I am today."
Since she's a fabulous person, that has to be taken as a compliment. Of sorts.