Why Isn't Shauni in the film?

Erika Eleniak isn't in the film but why isn't she in it and more importantly is Shauni's absence explained? Eddie is there so why isn't Shauni there? Did they divorce or is she "busy" for the wedding.


They divorced. He tells it when CJ talks about their wedding on the beauch and how great it was.


How stupid and sick is that. That in itself is a reason not to buy the DVD. Shauni and Eddie were the only true romance in the series - despite Shauni's fathers efforts to break them up because Eddie wasn't rich like Shauni. Congratulations on destroying the only good story of the entire series.


I totally agree with u hrafn1!


I agree with you on that hrafnl. I thought Shauni and Eddie were the only realistic couple on the show. They were sweet together. No other couple on the show came close to them.


It was a shame that she wasnt in it, but i suspect that perhapes Erika didnt want to do it so they had to explain her absence. Were they even divorced?, i thought i recalled that they were seprated, but close to a divorce. They were a sweet couple it would have been nice if they said yeah were still together and have 3 kids.

July 16 - Half Blood Prince
Aug 30 - Eldest


The reason is simple Baywatch couldn't afford her, the producers wanted to get as many of the original cast as they could back but I heard Erika Eleniak, David Charvet and David Chokachi were asking for a ridiculous sum of money for the movie and the casting crew rejected them because of it, it was probably because Pamela and Carmen were paid the most especially Pamela who got more than David I heard!



Both David Charvet & David Chokachi said NO they were not asking for any kind of big deal cos they didnt want to do it! Charvet didnt want to act anymore he only does music now & Chokachi was doing another show at the time so he could not do it.

Erika also said no because she didnt want to go back in the past, if you look on her website she has said the reason why she didnt want to do the movie it had nothing to do with the money plus I mean come on it is not as if she needed to do it, she seems to be (along with Nicole & Alexandra) the only star of the show that has always worked since she left the show sometimes even doing up to 3 movies a year! most of the other cast had not had a decent job since they left the show!

Kelly Packard was suppose 2b in the movie as well but because they had 2 cut the budget & were running behind on filming her scenes had 2b cut!

In fact it was Donna D'errico who was asking for a bigger pay cheque & more screen time and was cut and replaced by Angelica Bridges.

Pamela yes got paid more money than David Hasselhoff BUT Carmen was not she infact was one of the lowest paid to do the movie!!! she only did 1 year she was not a big part of the show like Yasmine or Gena were, she was not even on Fox's list given to the producers of the show.

What I mean by that was Fox gave the producers of the show a list of stars they were told they wanted those people on the list to be signed to the project or they will pull funding! those people were David Hass, Pamela, Yasmine, Gena, Alexandra, Chokachi & Erika Eleniak! but I guess they were fine with no Eleniak & Chokachi cos they saved money from them to pay the Hawaii stars because originally it was only going to be Stacey Kamano & Michael Bergin comming back!


I think they could have just explained that Shauni couldn't make it to the wedding. I mean why have them divorce off screen. That was almost as bad as JD and Kekoa breaking up off screen.

I'm surprised Nicole Eggert starred in this movie. When she left the show on bad terms. Often complaining about how the show made her look. And hoping to find a better show. I guess reality humbled her and she crawled back.


But what happened with stars like Broke Burns, Brandy Ledford and Simmone Mackinnon? We all know these 3 actresses was far more succesfull in movies and TV shows. Look at Brandy, she was in Invisible Man, Whistler, Andromeda and HBO's Zebra Lounge. Simmone was a big star of McLeuds Daugters and Brooke made couple f succesfull movies. And where is Traci Bingham? Any news about her dissapering?


I liked Brooke Burns too. Others that were missing that I would like to have seen were Parker Stevenson and Shawn Weatherly from the first season. I felt for a reunion it would have been cool to have had all the cast members from that very first season. Yes we know that Shawn died in the show but since they brought Alexandra back to life they might could have done something similar however I know it would have been too dumb to have brought two characters back to life. i just have always loved Shawn and so hated they didnt expand her character of Jill. I read she had left the show after he character was getting less and less screen time and they were not writing anything for her. To me Jill had a maturity and wisdom about her that most of the other girls on the show didn't yet she was just as beautiful. Sorry to hear that the two David's besides the Hoff could not do it for I liked both of them, but i was so glad John Allen (Cort) was on for I did love his character. I didnt really see hardly any of the Hawaii episodes but would love to have seen Jason Brooks as well. Donna Derrico would be the only other besides Erika who did not make it on the show that I'd like to have seen.

I agree with people who disagreed with them saying that Eddie and Shauni had divorced. I just watched it again and Eddie does state to C.J. that they are separated so it was not a divorce, so at least that gave hope they would possibly get back together. I really felt like most on this thread that they had the best romance and were a couple you would think would be together for always and not separated plus by now they would have had kids. Seems like they would have allowed him to have mentioned that. I think the writers do not think the way viewers do and they need to. They need to understand that audience develop an affinity to the characters and want them to have a more realistic portrayal of what they believe the characters would be after years passed and just because Erika could not be on the show they didnt have to say they were separated. But they wanted to pair him up with someone for the movie so the only way they could do that was to have him separated. Well it could have been written dif. He and caroline did not have to be a couple, just new friends. Oh well.


During the movie, Eddie says they are 'separated'.
