
I'm wondering if it was intentional for Matt's fiancee Wendy to look exactly like Jenna. I guess Wendy could've been a device to show that Matt still carries a torch for Jenna and subconsciously chooses a woman who reminds him of her. If not that, then what's the point of casting agents choosing actors who might as well be identical twins to appear in the same movie as unrelated characters?


When he was getting married, Matt said something like, "You don't always get the brass ring, but you get close enough."
Which I see as an insult to Wendy. She's "close" to being Jenna, in Matt's eyes. Pathetic to be carrying a torch all those years then use someone else as a substitute.


Great catch! This makes me think the similarity in looks was intended, but it wasn't communicated that well beyond the line you quoted.

Also, you make a super point about what Matt says insulting Wendy.

I recently read a book about a detective who is secretly in love with his partner, but instead of letting her know that, he starts dating a woman who is her practical twin. Everyone sees it except for him. The book makes it very clear it was a subconscious choice stemming from the attraction to his partner.
