
Yet another great underrated and underrviewed film. This should have been the Pretty in Pink of my generation, haha, but I will always hold it in high regard and equate it with my high school days. The movie pretty much flopped at the box office, but I have no idea why. Anybody know what came out during that same time period that buried it?

P.S. If anybody says they don't like this film, I will rip them apart with my bear hands...or vicious rhetoric.


I agree...I didn't get to watch it in the theatre, but I bought the dvd and have thoroughly enjoyed it ever since. It's a cute, fun, feel-good movie and it should have received more attention than it did. Oh well, I like it!


Yeah, I was thinking after I watched this movie that it does have a Pretty in Pink/Some Kind of Wonderful type story (but it was fresh and funny).

I actually wanted to see this when it came out after the commercials showed the part with Tad and Pete shirtless and chopping wood (I know, I'm totally superficial), but I was in a stage where I wouldn't leave the house back then (circa 2000-2006). I'm surprised it flopped with the eye candy.

Also, when this first came to TV (premium), I saw it got three stars in TV Guide (its star ratings are based on box-office performance, the consensus of leading critics, and awards won, though I think the last one is a bad criterion; every Best Picture winner gets four stars, even if it wasn't that good). It's odd if it was a flop, because the online reviews I've read have been mixed. So why would it have gotten a good rating in TV Guide?


It was underwhelming, sweet and syrupy but not great shakes.

Its that man again!!
