Jesus' View
Imagine some guy having sex freely in space with pretty women.... There needs to be a balance in the Force. The Universe needs to be shared with the right people. And you gotta force it to happen. The promise of heaven needs to be realised..... so Jesus comes to modern times through the grace of God.... he seems to decide to be a casanova of beauty, like a blonde top goodlooking white boy for the excitement of winning and getting the rewards. He decides the inferior stupid characters and blacks should be eliminated to go with his system. He finds black people are fucking beautiful white women and realizes he needs to end the planet. He decides to make a spaceship and explore space after beaming up all the pretty women to his ship and make a device which can keep him young.... rather impossible, so he decides to use another method to succeed possibly after working out the interracial sex humans' fate. He presents the win-win message which means the World ends and he gets an Ultraworld dream from the space entity who actually called itself Time.... so the power people get jealous and make this movie. End of story. Jesus waits for the World to end to go to the Ultraworld....