MovieChat Forums > The Ladykillers (2004) Discussion > Bloody crappy rap spoilt it for me...

Bloody crappy rap spoilt it for me...

Use rap 'music' in anything and its brash monotany just really pisses me off. Its been acepted into culture as if its cool-its not-its just the 'Emperor's new clothes' and always will be.
By the way, did they mess up at the end of this film? With the number of bodies thrown off the bridge onto the boat? Seemed like one too many to me?


Makes sense that someone who would make such an asinine statement about an entire genre of music would also not notice that the General would have killed Mountain Girl after killing Pancake.


Most people with musical taste agree about the oxymoron that is rap'music'.
anyway- it didnt look like Mountain Girls legs to me...


Why? You don't think women can grow hair on their legs?


And my "most people" you mean you, yourself and whatever cadre of narcissist pedophiles you role with.


Were you addressing your rant to anyone in particular?


Errr- nope. Just hoping to get replies from people who agreed? Why? It distracted from the screen action cos its so annoying and repetitive. IMO of course....


You are ignorant, and also cannot spell. Look up "monotony" and "accepted." Some of the most important artists of our time are making rap music, and it's been fully integrated into the mainstream. You are just dumb.


nit pik me on mi spelling if oyu like but, i was in a rush. it doesn't change the fact that rap is unimaginative, boring, dull and unoriginal. Its like being acoustically mugged!


Honestly it just depends who you listen to. Rap isn't for everyone, just like country music isn't for everyone. I have heard several rap songs that talk about the exact same issues as country or rock songs. I thought the rap music was used appropriately in this film. Also, it is implied that mountain girl was thrown over as well (and yes she had hairy legs).



Too *beep* for you huh?
