MovieChat Forums > Godsend (2004) Discussion > The ending..confused

The ending..confused

Right I get what happened about the dna being mixed etc...but confused why Paul thought things would be different if they moved? He already knew what Zachery was like and that he was part of Adam...I don't get why he ignored that? I mean he tried to take an axe to his mother's head...and it just gets forgotten?

Please clear this up for me :)


Paul mentions that Adam's getting some kind of medical treatment, and that the doctors advised moving. I guess the parents were just hoping it's all over... Dunno, but if my son tried to kill the whole family, I think I'd be a little itty bitty more cautious and worried :)



Hi venomsyke,
please read my post on the ending and you'll understand
why Paul thought that the nightmare was over.


And how did they get that fabulous house at the end? Who paid for that??? The only reason the house DeNiro set them up in was so nice was...well,because DeNiro set them up in it!!!!!



I think the whole point is that these parents are still extremely traumatised over the death of their first Adam. There grief was so intense and they loved their son so much that they were willing to try this extreme scientific experiment to have him back.

They have been through so much and even though it's obvious that their kid is dangerous they can't bear the thought of losing him all over again. They still love their son so much (although I think its still the memory of the first Adam that they are clinging to) Also, there is still a part of their sweet, happy, normal boy in there somewhere and it's not his fault that he was killed by the car or that he was reborn with mixed DNA, it's the parents fault and the Doctors fault so I think they feel too guilty to end it. I actually felt sorry for what was left of the first Adam that you saw glimpses of. He was obviously the same happy normal kid he had always been and was obviously terrified and confused by what was happening when Zachary began to take over.
