A lot of you have posted things like "how could the clone have memories of "its" past life?" and similar thoughts/questions. But consider this: Have you ever heard of Jung's theory of the "Collective Unconscious?" (Although he was a psychologist, I believe that he based it on "hard" scientific theory/genetics). Anyway, it's a pretty interesting theory and it reminds me of the clone having "memories" stored in his DNA/cells that a lot of you have raised legimate doubts about. But here goes: Basically, it's the idea that not only do physical traits get passed down from generation-to-generation, but also thoughts and memories that are stored in our unconscious minds. That might explain those "deja-vu" moments that we have all experienced, PLUS, another really interesting phenonema. Have you ever had a dream where you're in, say a castle or mansion, that in your conscious mind you do not recognize (upon awakening), but seem to know your way around, i.e., like where the kitchen is?!? Well Jung's theory is that one of our ancestors might have lived in that very castle/mansion, hundreds or thousands of years ago and passed down (genetically) some details about it, whereby it will show up in our dreams. Whether or not it can be proven, well, who knows, but I think that it's definitely a cool theory!