4 different endings

You should take this movie too seriously. Scientificly it's rather unlikely. But that the case with 70% of all movies. The fact that on DVD they offer four different endings, is telling me that the writer of this film lost it a bit. I myself found the ending with Kinnear dead (burned in the church) and de Niro replacing him the most likely.


i too could not help myself from thinking the writer had run out of ideas. All the ending lacked some thing which i thought was going to be the basis of the film: What does the writer think would happen if cloning were allowed?


I think the fact that the DVD offers four different endings illustrates an important point about this movie: it's a decent, creepy trip (if hackneyed in places) but the director wasn't sure where he was going with it.


What are the four different endings like? I only saw the original one where they all go and live in a new house but something is still wrong with Adam.
