An observation

Here is something I haven't seen anyone else mention. At the end of the movie, Adam has lived past the point where Zachary had died; there for his mentality was basically uncharted. Maybe the hands in the closet were just a leftover hallucination.

"That object you're tracking isn't a large asteroid; its a very large spacecraft."


I still don't get the hand in the closet thing. What was that? This movie was so stupid, it could have been good had it just stuck to one theme and not been so cheesy with the whole intagrated Zachary thing thrown in. Horrible casting, the parents looked so uncomfortable through out, I cannot see them concieving a child together, and that little boy (maybe it was just because I saw Birth before this, but directors sure love to put him in bathtubs; he looks like a phyco child anyway.) Had this been an intresting take on clonning, like real clonning and the repracusions that it has on not only the life of the person cloned but everyone around them I would have loved this moive. Instead it was a pointless horror movie that made no sense what so ever.
